Strange neighbour and Coffee?

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"It's not even dark yet here in Salem but the spooky vibes are getting heavy baby

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"It's not even dark yet here in Salem but the spooky vibes are getting heavy baby.we'll get through together"DJ Aurora says.Me and Hubie was riding home because he had a school assembly to go to.We were listening to FM radio and tuned into the local radio station smooth talking DJ aurora is the host.A show and Football was thrown at Hubie but he dodged them.We were going past our neighbours house to see a wise old man,our new neighbour, nailing some wood boards to the  house it looked like he was covering all windows and doors. "Mr lambert what are you up to?"Hubie asked. "Hubie!Yeah....I wa....last night I thought I felt a little draft so.."The wise old man who I am guessing is called Mr lambert said. "Yeah..that October wind will-it'll sneak up on you"Hubie says. "Sure does"Mr lambert replies.I noticed that Mr lambert looked a little uncomfortable it was obvious that something wasn't right because Hubie catches on to it as well. "Say Mr Lambert.How old are you?"Hubie asked. "You mean in human years?"Mr Lambert asked. "Yes"Hubie shortly replied. "I don't really believe in keeping track of that kind of thing Hubie.You know age is just a state of mind"Mr Lambert said. "That's why I played T-ball till I was twenty five"Hubie said. "Hubie Dubois"Mr Lambert said Turing around and continued nailing boards into his house.

"Hubie do I have to come in as well?"I asked him as we both was standing outside the cafeteria where all the Year 7s were. "Yes you will be like inspiration.If a 15 year old is being safe on Halloween then 11 year olds will be safe"Hubie says putting a bedsheet over him with wee stains. "Here again to talk about Halloween safety is .......Salem's official volunteer Halloween helper,Hubert Dubois"The principal introduced. "Oh god"the principal said as Hubie walked in making ghost like sounds. "Hello webster elementary schooli am not a ghost but I play one on Tv"Hubie says taking the bed sheet of his head and announcing into the microphone.I stay stood near Ms Taylor my favourite teacher. "Just playing, my name is Hubie Dubois and I'm here to tell you that Halloween is fun but we must stay out of the danger zone"Hubie introduced.The kids jeer and gets rowdy. "Hey!Hey!Hey!let him speak.He's a human being"The principal yells.The kids quiet down and retake there seats. "Thank you sir...I would like a word with you all and that word is"Hubie says opening a price of paper. "G--g--g-host?"O'Doyle asks. "Ghost....scary but also the key to Halloween safety.The 'G'.What could the G stand for?"Hubie says. "Go home?"The principal asks on his phone. "No.Give.Give to the less Fortunate.Does anyone know what the less fortunate is?"Hubie asks.Cooky raises her hand. "It means someone who needs help"Cooky replies. "Very good,what's your name?"Hubie asks. "Cooky"she says. "Well your a smart cookie...When I was young, I used to build a tower with all my candy and all the candy that was part of the tower before it collapsed I would keep for myself. The leftover candy I would donate to the homeless shelter"Hubie says. "Is that where you live?"A kid asked dressed as a zombie. "Well so....BURN HIM!!!"Hubie shouts as he notices the boy and the boy starts crying. "Oh I'm sorry son. I just....please don't cry"Hubie says.The whole cafeteria erupts into Jeers and the kids start throwing their food at Hubie,who uses his thermos and takes the lid off and it turns into a pumpkin umbrella.Cooky turns to me and Ms Taylor. "I feel sorry for him"Cooky says. "Yeah,no,Baby.He overstayed his welcome"Ms Taylor said. "Your out of food,I guess ,yeah"Hubie says coming out from behind the umberella.Just at that moment a dodge ball was thrown at his head.

I pick up Danielle and Tommy from school and tommy was giving me dirty looks whilst we walked to get something to drink. "So Mermaid,I heard you got suspended from school why?"Danielle asks me. "She was harassing me and then she slapped so I finished the fight"I say. "Actually she said that you started harassing her and she talked back at you and you kicked her"Tommy said. "Tommy are you really going to take her side...She was always bullying me"I said. "She said that you bullied her"Tommy said. "Tommy are you really going to believe her over me,your best friend for over a decade?"I said. "Whatever"Tommy said.

We entered the local coffee shop. "Hey!what can I get you guys?"Megan asks. "Hi.Can I get a black coffee?"Tommy asked crushing on Megan making my heart sink to the bottom of the ocean. "Coffee?Not hot chocolate?"Danielle asked Tommy. "Oh,I don't drink hot chocolate anymore"Tommy said. "You had one this morning"Me and Danielle said in unison. "Well,I quit"Tommy said. "Okay, well I'm gonna need to see some ID,Freshman"Megan flirts. "ID i,i don't-"Tommy stammers. "I'm just kidding"Megan says to Tommy with a chuckle. "One black coffee"Megan says to another barista. "So how did you know I was a freshman?"Tommy asked. "Oh I see you in the hallways and it's pretty obvious what are you guys doing for Halloween?"Megan asks. "Well I'm taking my sisters trick or treating  and my mum's at work so I kinda of run the house when she's gone"Tommy says. "So your not going to the party?"Megan asks. "Yeah I'm going...which party?"Tommy says. "One manly black coffee"Another barista says. "That's me"Tommy replies. "The big barn at Wallace orchard.It's mostly juniors and seniors"Megan informs.Tommy takes a sip of his black coffee and winced in disgust. "Hmmm.yeah well maybe after my mum comes home.I'll- - I'll try to swing by"Tommy said. "Try hard"Megan says sharing a smile with Tommy before the three of us go to the door. "Did you suddenly get cool?"Danielle asks.Just then Mike Mumdi walk through the door and purposely knocks Tommy's coffee to the floor. "Oops sorry freshman"Mike says. "Michael Mundi in the house"Kyle,Mikes friend, yells. "It comes and goes"Tommy says to Danielle.

Hi I published and will publish tomorrow maybe I do have school until Friday so I will try and publish every day and on Friday I might publish twice what do u think of this so far?

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