Filming for THE Brennen Taylor!

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Me and Colby took the Instagram pic and within 20 minutes fans started to speculate that we are dating. Colby posted that we wasnt dating at all and that we are strictly just friends. After I went home and Colby went to the TFIL house. And I got a message I was confused at first then I saw "Hey this is Colby Brock. I hope this is Y/N". I blushed as I read it I answered "Yes this is Y/N. Let me guess this is for the address of the TFIL house". He reads it and messaged me back "Yes it is the address is *random address*. See you soon"
When I arrive with a bag of clothes I can keep there. I knock on the door and Colby answered it. He took me straight to his room and I hug him and say "I love you Colby". He said "What did you just say?" I look up to him and said "I said I love you Colby". He looked down at me and said "I love you too Y/N". I went to his closet and said "I brought some things over. Some pjs, some normal clothes and some exploration clothes just in case". "Just in case of what baby?" he said. "Just in case we sleep over and baby already?" I said. He said in reply "Yes baby already. And I thought you were moving in". I replied "Yes true but it is only for the night for these clothes. In the morning I'm going back home to bring more". "Oh ok. I need to film with Brennen another friend of mine tonight as he said he found a camera and he has photos of something and he wants to know if I know where it is" he said. I asked "Can i come with? I'll film for Brennen". "I'll call him and ask. It will be cool to have a girl there too" Colby said

Colbys POV

I call up Brennen and ask if Y/N can join. The convo B- Brennen C- Colby and Y- Y/N.

C- Hey Bro. Can Y/N came? She will become your filmer for the night
B- Hey Bro. She can but it will be terrifying in there because it looks like a cave and people dressed in ALL black
Y- Brennen I will be fine. Colbs will protect me
B- Hey Y/N. I will also be there you bitch
C- Bro. Did you really call her a bitch? Do you want help or not bro?
B- Yes I did call her a bitch as a joke. And I do need help
Y- Ok. Yey I can go babe
B- Babe? Who was that too?
Y- It was to Colby but it's a joke
C- Yes it is a joke
B- Ok fine. See you later Bro and I guess bro now
C- Ok see you bro
Y- See you later Brennen

When we arrive at Brennens place he places the pics on a table and I start recording. Brennen says " Hey. I'm back with Colby Brock. #Brolby lives on forever baby". Colby said "What about #Ylby bro". "What? Anyways look at these pics they are creepy. Also I dont want Y/N to look at 2 of these pics bro" Brennen says. Colby says "Why not? She will be fine surely." "BRO Reggie saw 2 pics and had to leave the room to throw up" Brennen said. "Ew they are that bad" I said behind the camera. "Oh I forgot you was there this is Y/N. She goes to school with us. And she is a recent friend of mine" Brennen said. All Colby did that hole time was stare at me and it made me blush like crazy. "Colby. Quit staring at her and look at these photos" Brennen said. "Ok Brennen" Colby said while flicking through the photos and turning 2 over. "I've looked at them and I know where it is. Me, Sam and I believe Corey went there" Colby said looking up at me and then to Brennen. I started to look through the photos and my back started to hurt so I left and went to the bathroom. Colby came in and said "Are you ok? Why did you leave?". "My back started hurting so I came in to see if anything is wrong" I said. "Ok lift up your hoodie and I'll check it out" Colby said. I lift my hoodie up and all Colby can see is 3 scratch marks down my back. "BRO BRING THE CAMERA AND START RECORDING" Colby shouted. "WHY?" Brennen shouted back. "BRO JUST DO IT" Colby shouted back. "Ok coming. Ok guys so Y/N left and Colby followed after her. And now Colby is telling me to film so I'm doing that. Colby what did you do to her?" Brennen said. "Brennen dont blame me. Her back started hurting so I came to see if she was ok. I told her to lift her hoodie up and saw this" Colby said pointing to the scratches. "Can they see it on camera?" I asked. "Barely so I'll take a picture and attach the pic in editing" Brennen said. "This is weird but what do we do?" I asked Colby and Brennen. "Its up to you if you want to go I mean you have the scratch marks" Brennen said. "Ok we will go but NO Ouiji board or satanic rituals promise" I said. "I wasnt planning on doing it anyways Y/N" Brennen said.

On the drive there I rest my head on Colby's shoulder and he hugs me. Brennen secretly films and says "Aww look at them lovebirds". I look up and hear Colby say "Bro. Turn the camera off and delete that and I'll tell you everything I promise". Brennen looks shocked because Colby said that. "The camera is off. What do you mean by everything?" Brennen said confused. Colby looked at me and said "Brennen me and Y/N have been going out for like 5 days. And I love her to death. That's why she called me babe on the phone earlier". "Who knows about this?" Brennen asked the both of us. "Sam, Kat, Devyn, Corey, Elton and Jake. And now you. I dont want people to know because I'm a loner in school and Colby is a jock. And I dont want Colby to get hated for it" I said looking down. "If you and Colby are genuinely in love then people shouldnt judge. Anyways we are here" Brennen said kind of reassuring me.

Exploring the cave. (NEXT CHAPTER)

Word count:
1113 words

Colby and Y/N in school (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now