Exploring the Cave with Brennen and Colby

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We arrived. Colby lead the way as I filmed. The line went Colby, Brennen then me. I said "Brennen. They cant see Colby at all". Brennen turned around and said "ok I'll move to the side". He moved. Colby started to climb a rock to get into the cave. Brennen also did. I passed Brennen the camera and started filming me attempting to climb the rock. "A little help here" I said. Colby turned around and laughed because Brennen was just stood there filming me. Colby reached his hand down and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and said "There you go. Also Brennen help her shes tiny compared to us". I looked at Colby and said "Rude. At least I go to the gym Cole Robert Brock". Brennen joined in and turned the camera to us all and said "You just got roasted by Y/N. How do you feel Colby?". Colby looked at me then rolled his eyes playfully at me "We are going to have a conversation after this exploration Y/N". I laughed and said "Ha bet". I grabbed the camera off of Brennen and said "Hurry Colbs is leaving us behind." We all kept climbing and I turned as I thought I heard a noise "Urm... Colby and Brennen get here now". Colby came running. "Brennen did you bring the ouiji board?" I asked. He replied "Yeah I did why?". I looked down and said "Can we play it? I heard a noise and I feel like an entity is with us". Colby looked at me and said "We can but you are staying at mine tonight". I said "I was planning too". Brennen looked at both of us and said "Sure. Let's do this". Brennen opened the Ouiji board and I inched closer to Colby. He looked at me and I looked at him. We had a moment. We all put our hand on the panchlette and circled it 3 time and said "Ouiji we are here". Brennen continued and said "Is anyone here with us?" The ouiji board said 'Yes'. I said "Are you going to hurt us?" The ouiji board went quickly to 'yes'. Colby said "Who are you going to hurt?" The ouiji board spelt out 'Y/N'. I swallowed and said "Let's say goodbye and put it away. Let's pretend that didnt happen and let's hurry to explore this place so we can leave". Colby looked at me in shock "Woah. Let's just leave. It literally said it wanted to hurt you and earlier you had scratches on you're back". Brennen said "Let's go Y/N. It isnt safe for you. Me and Colby wants you to be safe". I rolled my eyes and said "Ok. We can do the outro at Colby's. Since you and Colby wants me to be safe and tbh I trust the both of you". Colby laughed. We started walking to Brennen's car. "Colby. I dont feel so good. I feel like I've got a migraine" I said. "You have a migraine? While we are investigating. I'm calling Corey" he said. We arrive back at the car.

The convo with Corey. C-Colby. CS- Corey. B-Brennen. Y-Y/N

C- Hey Corey.
CS- Hey its midnight. And Sam's playing the midnight man again. What do you want?
C- What does it mean if you get a migraine while in an investigation? I believe you said something about it in the Langham hotel back in London.
CS- It means that a demon/bad entity is trying to attach to you. Why? Who has the migraine?
B- Its Y/N. We played the ouiji in a cave. And it said it will hurt Y/N. And now Colby is worried about her
Y- Aww Colby's worried.
C- Baby. This is not a time to joke. Corey what do we do?
CS- Get RID of the ouiji board completely and make sure Y/N takes some ibuprofen. Also Y/N you are staying the night so I can make sure you are ok
Y- I was planning on staying the night anyways.
CS- Ok
C- Do we have ibuprofen at the Trap House or what?
CS- I think Sam has some. Let me check.
(Corey goes to Sam to see if he has any ibuprofen)
CS- Yeah he does
C- Cool. Ok cya later Corey

The conversation ends

"Can I go to sleep? I'm tired" I said. Brennen said " Yes but tell one of us if you're migraine gets worse". I said "I will. Also Brennen while Colby is asleep. Thanks for caring about me. And I love you as a brother. These last couple of videos have made me see what a cool lad you are. Can we be friends?". Colby said "I'm awake. Also that was cute just like you Y/N". Brennen looked at me then Colby and said "Sure we can be friends. Also Colby quit simping. What about #Brolby?". I giggled "What the hell is #Brolby?". Colby said half asleep "A) that giggle was cute and B) the fans shipped me and Brennen together 2 years back because we were reading fan fiction of both of us and now we are #Brolby". I said "Let's get back to yours I need sleep". We arrive at Colby's and I went upstairs

Hey. I'm terribly sorry this took so long to create. I've been juggling school, revision and this story around a lot. So sorry it took a long time. Please if you have any ideas for where this story/new stories can head to or characters please tell me. I would happily shout you out and read some of your stories if you have any. Anyways thanks for the wait
Word count: 963 words

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