Chapter 1

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Ravens POV:
I wake up to loud alarm, I get up from my bed and walk towards my closet to find some clothes, I chose black high waisted Jeans and. baby blue crop top that is loose. As I finish I grab my things and put them down in my backpack, I walk downstairs to witness my father in the attempt to make pancakes. A smoke cloud starts to form and he opens all the windows and the back door. I laugh so much that my stomach hurts.
"Laugh all you want" he says and looked me straight into my eyes.
"Sorry" I said laughing. 
"I don't know how this happened" he says, he puts the towel on his shoulder and puts his hands on his waist and let out a big sigh.
"Here, at least these are eatable. I think" he says and hands me a plate with pancakes. I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to brush my teeth.
"Ready or not, I'm leaving now, just kidding I'm not leaving without you" he says at the bottom of the stairs. I walk down as I pull my soft brown long hair in a ponytail, I kind of run walk downstairs with a smile on my mouth. He smile at me.
"You look happy today" he says and kisses me on my forehead.
"Yeah I am" I say and hug him. I live with my dad, my mother left when I was 6. My dad is the best person I know, he can always make laugh no matter what. He is not the best to cook, but it works.
I grab my backpack and put on my vans. We walk towards the car, my dad always drives me to school. We arrive, when I get out of the car he stops me by pulling down his window to say something.
"Hey kiddo, I'm going to be late tonight, I have a big meeting at work" he says, I look down, he can tell that I'm disappointed. Today is our special night, we order junk food and watch movies, just the two of us.
"I'm sorry, I really am" he says.
"Hey Mr Sinclair" Octavia says waving.
"Hi girls" he says to the group of girls that had joined Raven.
"I have to go, love you kiddo" he says as he drives away from the parking lot.

Lunch has arrived and we walk towards the cafeteria. I just remembered that I have to welcome the new student, shit I totally forgot that. I leave the group and walk towards the school entrance. A girl with short black hair stands there, waiting. Waiting for me, good job Raven.
"Hi, you must be the new girl" I say smiling at her.
"Yeah, Maya" she says smiling back at me. We start to walk.
"I'm Raven, sorry I was late, something came up" I say, a white lie has never hurt.
"Ahh that's fine, I didn't wait for that long" she says gently, she seems like a nice person.
"So this is the baseball team, or one of the team. There are two baseball teams, the boys and the girls, because this school apparently doesn't stand for equality and need two different teams instead of one" I say. I believe that the world would be better if us girls would have more power.
"That sucks, girls are way better at most stuff" she says, I like her.
"Oh I like you" I say with a little laugh.
"That is three of the best baseball players, boys or girls team and the head cheerleader of course" I say and points at the girls.
"Lexa, Luna, Niylah" I say as we got closer to them.
"This is Maya, she's new here" I say and point at the girl.
"Hi" she says.

The bell rings and we have to go in for classes. I walk with Luna, she is in on of my classes and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. I haven't told anyone, I'm not sure how I would tell my friends. What if they hate me, or think I'm disgusting. More importantly what if Luna doesn't feel the same for me and I mess up something that is fine as it is, well we are barely friends but we talk sometimes. I snap out of my thoughts as we got closer to the classroom, Mr Kane hasn't arrived yet so we stand and wait. Luna rest against the wall behind her, she smiles at me. She has the kindest eyes that girl. Mr Kane arrives and we walk into the classroom. Class ends, it's the last of the day. Friday and I'm all alone tonight, fun. I walk towards my friends to say bye.
"Hey guys" I say. They are the best people in the world I promise.
"Hey girl wassup" Lexa says, and everyone burst into laughter including me.
"Well I'm going home, I have homework and I rather get grades than hanging out with you losers" I say jokingly.
"Been hurt so many times" Jasper says and again everyone laughs, I walk home with a smile on my mouth. When I open the front door my mood fades quickly, I get low. I don't want to be alone. I guess my dad will be away the whole night and will not be home early. I get up to my room and sit down at my desk. I pull out my laptop and my homework and start to do my homework. After about and hour I'm finished, I lay down on my bed and pull out my phone and my AirPods. I get into Spotify, I click on my favorite song, this song always get my mood up. Fragile by Kygo starts and I look up at my roof. I think of everything that happened today, I think about Luna. Luna is so special, she really is. My thoughts get interrupted by my phone, Luna is calling. I answer the call.
"Hey, I saw that you were a little low when you left school, I thought I would check up on you" she says, I start to smile like an idiot, she cares about me.
"I'm good" I say, you can clearly hear that I'm smiling. And that causes Luna to smile.
"Do you want to come over? I'm all alone tonight" I ask her hoping for the right answer, hoping that she will say yes.
"Yeah, I'll be there in 15" she says and we hang up. I change into some comfier clothes and waits for Luna to come over.

I hear a knock on the door and I walk down to meet a beautiful girl in the doorway.
"Hey" she says with a small grin on her face.
"Hey" I say and welcome her in. We go to the living room, we sit down and chose a movie to watch before we were to make dinner.
"I'm hungry, are you?" I say and look over at Luna who is watching on her phone. She didn't hear me, I got a little hurt, what if she likes someone and just feel forced to be with me. She smile at her phone, that causes me to leave, I walk into the kitchen. I lean against the counter, I let out I sigh and a few tears escape from my eyes.
"Are you ok?" Luna asks and it cause me to flinch a little because I got scared, I quickly wipe my tears away but I was to late, she saw that I had been crying. She walks up to me and pulls me into a hug, she hold me for a good 5 minutes.
"It's nothing, I'm fine" I say and I can tell that she doesn't believe me.
"Come on, tell me what's wrong" she says gently and cups my face which causes me to look her straight into her eyes, I cannot lie to those eyes.
"I.. I don't know" is all I say, I can't tell her that I'm in love with her.
"You can tell me anything" but I cannot tell her. I cannot tell her that I want her to be mine.
"I got jealous, or not jealous, I got a little hurt" I found courage to say.
"Of what?" She asks so gently, she is holding my hands.
"You" is all I can say, I look away, I can't face her. I can't.
"Me? What did I do? " she asks, she is confused and "scared" of what she could have possibly done to me.

Luna POV:
I stand in the kitchen with Raven, she told me that I hurt her. I have no idea what I did. I couldn't possibly want to hurt her, she is the most precious person I know. I have no idea what I did.
"I am in love with you and it hurts to not know how you feel for me" she just let out so fast, but I still heard what she said.
"You couldn't possibly know how I feel, you have never told me how you feel, you haven't even hinted. I mean I've tried but I guess you didn't see that" I tell her, I don't want them to be in the unknown. I want to tell her everything at once.
"I mean I believe I'm in love with you too" I say before she could answer what I said. She looks me into my eyes, she want that 'really are you serious' look from me. Instead I kiss her gently, our lips connect, it's like fireworks and butterflies at the same time. We pull out and look at each other, I pull a bit of her hair behind her ear.
"You know what I'm actually hungry" I say and we start to make dinner. We laugh and we share a few small kisses here and there. When we finished we went back to the living room, this time we have lots of snacks with us. We cuddle up and chose a movie to watch, before the movie starts Raven pulls away and just look at me.
"I don't want to be that person, but what were you doing on you phone earlier? You were smiling and all" she asks, ohh that's why she was hurt. I turn a little so I can sit right in front of her.
"I was texting Lexa and Octavia" I say, I mean it is the truth.
"I was smiling because they were practically forcing me to tell you how I feel" I tell her.
"They were going on and on about how they just know that you like me and that they would burst in here and knocking me out so they could tell you because apparently I'm a coward" I say and let out a small laugh.
"Just tell her man Lexa said and I couldn't help but smile" I say and I can tell how Raven is debating wether she should come back to me or just laugh.
"Oh my god I feel like a crazy person right now" she says and buries her face into her hands.
"Haha it's okay, come here and watch the stupid movie with me" I say and open my arms so we cuddle again.

Ravens POV:
I am all cuddled up with my Luna, I'm so happy right now. The movie is actually good and I get really invested in it, Luna has fallen asleep and shortly I join her.

Sinclair's POV:
When I get in I can hear the tv in the living room, I put my stuff down and start walking towards the living room. I can see the tv is showing a movie and then I see Raven, she is sleeping, she's cuddled up with Luna. I knew they were close, and I've always had the feeling that they liked each other a little more than just friends. I smile and walk out to the kitchen, I see that Raven prepared a plate of food for me, I put it in the microwave. I walk back into the living room when I'm done, I put a large blanket and over the girls and leave to go to sleep.

So this was the first chapter of this new story, I really hope you will enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Have a good day/night depending on when you read 😊

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