Chapter 3

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i get inspired by Epicgamerlemondemon book called peppa pig x neil i forgot his lat name cuz i copy and pwste it sndnd Cicierega

peppas pov

it was the next day and i woke up. i smelled mummy's cooking. i was excited to go to skool this morning! i put on my counterfeit lemon demon merch that was a hoodie, brushed the hair i dont have, brushed my teeth, cleaned up my room and got the stuff i needed in my pink backpack

"Gorge! peppa! come downstairs for food!" i heard mummy say as i finshed packing my backpack.

"Okay mummy!" i said loudly so mummy could hear me "i am getting ready for skool!"

"Okay peppa!" i heard mummy say from downstairs .

i put on my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Hello mummy!" i told my mum as i came into the kitchen .

"hello peppa!" my mum told me.

George was already sitting in his chair with his dinosaur stuffed animal. i sat in the chair next to him as mummy gave me my breakfast. mummys cooking wasnt always the best but i know i couldn't be mean to her, i mean she is my mum! i ate the pancakes she gave me, they weren't bad like the French toast she made, the French toast tasted like soggy bread with eggs.

after eating the food i took my lunch box my mom packed me and went upstairs to get my cigarettes to put in my lunch box. i also got my  phone and went into spotify, i then played my spotify playlist called lemoin demoin.

i then looked at the time, i was late for skool! i ran out the door and saw the bus. it looked like it was waiting for me. i ran into the bus and the bus driver said

"hey peppa! we were just about to go without you! "

i apologized and went to the back of the bus while listening the song eighth wonder by lemon demon. i was the only one in my friend group that took the bus to skool, and i thought sitting in the back was good. nobody sat in the back but today there was it boy back there. I was surprised that there was another person in the back. he looked lonely and he was sitting in the spot i usually sit in so i decided to sit by him.

"what song are you listening to?" the boy asked me.

" o-oh! im listening to a song called My trains By lemon demon. " i told the boy


i was confused about why he screamed so i asked him

"Why did you scream!?!

"my trians" he said to me actually looking at me. then i saw him. It was Neil!

"WAIT ONG R U NEIL Cicierega" i asked him

"pee yes" he said

"ONGHVGYFGVHBUBVUV" I said almost having a StOKE.

then i heard the bus stop. people were getting off the bus and so i did too.

"BYE!" i told neil when getting off the bus. i was so excited to tell big bird and chica.

neils pov

im uncomfortable

chica pov

me and big bird were standing by the skool waiting for peppa. i was confused why peppa wasnt here yet. she usually is the one to wait for us.

"Theres peppa!" big bird said happily

I looked and saw peppa running at us.

"OMG GUYS YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!" peppa said as she ran up to us.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" i asked peppa.

"I WAS SITTING BY NEIL ON THE BUS!" peppa told us.

" Really!? " i asked her.

i was kinda jealous and i could tell big bird was jealous too, why couldn't i sit by him in the bus? i had to walk to school and i didnt wanna take the bus EVER, there is too much noise. but for once i really wanted to go on the bus.

peppa kept talking about how she got to sit by him and their conversation, not gonna lie he sounded very uncomfortable when peppa came over. i didnt say anything about it though. then we heard the bell and headed inside the school.

the whole day i saw peppa looking at neil and i got a weird feeling about this. when we where at luch i asked her

"peppa are you okay? i saw you looking at Neil all day!"

" Its nothing, i just well... " peppa started to blush "i may like like him 😳👉👈"

"Oh Okay!"


Big birds pov

Wait, peppa liked him too! Im just gonna hope chica dosn't like him!

"p-peppa are you sure he likes you back though?" i asked her nervously

" ill make sure he does. " peppa souned kinda mad she took out a cigarette and started to smoke.

i didnt know what she meant, "make sure he does" what is she planning!? i knew something was up with peppa.

"But what if he likes somone else peppa?"  Chica asked peppa .

"i cant stop him, but i can stop the other person he likes." peppa told me and chica.

"what if someone like likes him?" said chica concerned.

"lets just say, i will stop their breathing hole." Peppa definitely had something planned, i didnt know what but i was scared.

me and chica looked at eachother with a worried look. i was worried and i could tell chica was as well.

time skip to after skool

chicas pov

i was confused and worried about what peppa said, was she going to kill for him!?

NO i knew that peppa wouldn't do that...or would she? i wanted to talk to someone about it so i texed big bird.

Chica- Hey you remember what peppa said at skool today?

Big bird- Yea? why?

Chica- i feel scared because...didn't she say she was gonna kill anyone who liked him?

Big bird- yea

Chica- theres something i wanna tell you...

Big bird- What is it?


☝Skool☝ (Peppa pig x neil Cicierega x big bird x chica)Where stories live. Discover now