As many of you probably know, there have been many complaints from TwoSetters in general about how they don't have enough sizes. These complaints are more than valid.
For a long time, TwoSet apparel had sizes S, M, and L. That's it. If you look now, you can see that they now have XS and XL. That's better, but is still nowhere near enough.
It is so bad whenever some people feel insecure about themselves because they can't fit in the merch. I've seen people talking about how they feel so bad about their body and their selves whenever TwoSet drops new merch or talks about their merch. TwoSet has said so many times that they want this to be the brand for musicians. Well, it can't be the brand for musicians and TwoSetters if some CAN'T EVEN FIT IN THEM.
It's clear that TwoSet is aware of this issue, with the amount of people contacting them and trying to talk to them about it.
Of course, it must be a lot of money to buy more apparel in other sizes, but if you have noticed, they've been dropping a lot of new merch lately. The BACHPACH, Violin Anatomy, Reflective Practice Shirts, Haydn Camo Jackets, and a lot more.
In my opinion, wouldn't it be better if TwoSet slowed down on the new merch and focused on getting larger and smaller sizes BEFORE releasing more merch?
Why aren't they doing that already? Is it because some people would get bored with no new apparel to look at and buy? If TwoSet posted saying that they wouldn't be releasing merch for a while to focus on buying other sizes, I'm sure everyone would understand. If they don't, then they aren't TwoSetters.
So why do they continue to conveniently ignore the desperate requests for more variety is apparel sizes?
Actually, @TSVhide made a post on Reddit trying to address this issue.
The fact that this only got 680 upvotes is really sad. I don't understand why some people can be so ignorant and not understand....literally some people told her to just "lose weight", how incredibly disrespectful and ignorant that is?
So, we have to do something here. People have been trying for so long, to no avail. Why? This shouldn't even have to be an issue, but it is.
Okay guys, that's enough for now...I'm interested to hear your points about this in the comments and thanks for reading this! ❤️
TwoSet Topics and Treats
FanficA place where we will discuss various things about TwoSet. It ranges from controversial topics or just light things that we can give our honest opinion on. If you see something you don't agree with, please comment why you don't agree with that. Also...