Chapter 72: Best Technology In History

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Having a colleague like that wouldn’t be bad.” A man with glasses said as he started fantasizing, “She’s such a rare beauty.”

 “But come to think of it, she’s a little young. You guys don’t think that she and the general manager…” The woman who was typing on the keyboard looked up as she said, giving a ‘you know’ look to everyone.

 “Dang, didn’t you see the cautious looks the general manager was giving her? I think she’s some VIP. Weren’t there rumors that our company is involved with the Yin family? Could it be someone from the Yin family then?” Another person threw in his thoughts.

 “Did you really just say that? You think our company can have a relation to the Yin family?” The same woman replied with a gobsmacked expression on her face.

 To their eyes, the Yin family was an unreachable existence. In N City, their existence was similar to that of being the emperor of the nation. Once, someone had caught sight of Yin Manor, but they didn’t have the chance to snap a picture before the person was chased away by the special police force.

 ‘With such a family that has extravagant security detail, to suggest that they have anything to do with this small start up company, is your brain just for show?’

 “How can you just dismiss it as nonsense! Do you know in the opening a few days ago, the Yin family not only sent congratulatory flowers, but even Young Master Yin also came in person. Otherwise, do you think that the Commerce and Industry Bureau chief would be keeping an eye on us?” Another woman huffed.

 “Young Master Yin? The prince?!” Several women’s attentions were distracted in another direction at the mention of him. ” I heard that he changes girlfriends faster than he changes clothes. A few days ago, there was some scandal about him and some celebrity women, sadly the newspaper didn’t dare to publish anything about it though.”

 “Even if you search online, the results you’d get would be things like relevant laws, regulations, and policies, and results cannot be displayed. It’s really a bummer.”

 “Ha! You still bothered to search? But that’s true, people like him are just too far away from us…”

 “Why are you guys chattering and gossiping during work hours? Do you want your bonus to be deducted?” Wang Bo had been on his way to the general manager’s office after receiving the news, and took his time to educate the employees that he was passing by at the same time.

 Most of the people here were under Wang Bo, had high capabilities, and were very respectful toward Wang Bo. As soon as the words left his mouth, all chatter stopped and silence descended over them.


 Inside the office, Gu Xiqiao was looking at a performance report. Her reading speed was fast, as she flipped through the pages quickly. She read one in a matter of seconds, and picked up the nearest business proposal to read next.

 After she had flipped all of them, she gave them some thought before pointing out the minor errors to Mu Zong, as well as corrected a few more obvious ones.

 Mu Zong was taking note of all the important points. In the beginning when he saw the way she was flipping through the pages, he had thought that she was just giving a cursory glance through it. He didn’t expect that she would be able to read them all in detail, and also propose plans. These plans were drafted by all of them who had been cracking their heads for two days, and yet she could come up with some with just a glance?

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