Chapter 123: To The Capital!

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“Going to the hospital?” asked Jiang Shuxuan while retrieving his car keys after having breakfast.

Gu Xiqiao swallowed the mouthful of eggs she was chewing.

“Yeah, wait for a sec. I’d like to hitch a ride.”

Before leaving, she climbed upstairs to get the notes which she had prepared for Li Yanmei.

“You’re a pretty busy woman aren’t you?” asked Jiang Shuxuan with a raised brow as he drove onto the freeway.

“I gotta make sure that everything here’s dealt with. I mean, I am leaving for the capital soon you know?” Still, it did feel to her like everything was happening all at once. Mu Jiatong and Luo Wenlin’s surgery, Nine Heaves’ plan to expand into Imperial Capital’s market, the merger and acquisition of the Gu family’s assets, and last but not least, her going off to university at the capital…

Jiang Shuxuan too, had been relatively busy as of late. Handing over of the base was largely Yin Shaoyuan’s responsibility but apart from the remaining tasks, he had taken up all the missions posted on the forum which no one dared to accept for the past two months.

“Alright, we’re here. You can just leave me here.” Gu Xiqiao exited the car at the main entrance of the hospital. She didn’t forget to wave Jiang Shuxuan goodbye. “Oh right, before I forget, remember to be careful on the road. I heard that the number of road accidents in N City has actually increased recently.”

Although it sounded like she was concerned about his safety, Jiang Shuxuan felt something off about her reminder.

Something weird was certainly going on with their city recently. In the short amount of time Gu Xiqiao spent standing in front of the hospital entrance, there were already a handful of blaring ambulances that sped straight into the hospital. Even more surprising was that nearly all the people lying on the stretchers were covered in blood from head to toe.

Something’s definitely going on, thought Gu Xiqiao as she nervously dug her nails into the flesh of her palm. She stood there at the entrance for quite a while before proceeding upstairs where Mu Jiatong’s ward was located.

Unlike Luo Wenlin, Mu Jiatong was not sent straight to the ICU after the surgery. Even the doctor was surprised by her recovery progress, saying that this was a miracle in the world of medicine. During yesterday’s operation, they witnessed Mu Jiatong’s white blood cell count reduce dramatically. They initially thought she could not be saved, even by the best doctor in the world. Still, this brave little girl clung stubbornly to her life and her surgery could not have ended more smoothly.

Mu Zong’s eyes were red and swollen. He had struggled for so long against the idea that he would lose his daughter sooner or later. To think that fate would stand on his side for once. It was all thanks to Gu Xiqiao. For some reason, luck seemed to favor him right after he had met this young woman.

“Thank goodness she’s alright,” said Gu Xiqiao with a smile. “Uncle Mu, you should be happier about this.”

“That’s right. I really am though.” Mu Zong laughed to himself. How could he not? His career had finally taken a turn for the better and so did the health of his previous daughter.

If Mu Jiatong’s recovery progress continued at its current rate, she would be discharged in less than seven days. Mu Zong, whose shoulders had finally been freed of an overbearing weight, picked up the document which Gu Xiqiao had given him. It was time to pay Gu Enterprise a visit. The mere thought of it made him incredibly excited.

Flipping open the first page, it appeared to contain the Gu Enterprise’s current financial situation. That book funds, level of liquidity, as well as solvency… quite obviously confidential data. The second page was recorded activities, which included proof of smuggling and bribery. The third page listed down the weak points of Gu Enterprise for him to take note of. Lastly, the fourth page contained details of the merger and acquisition plan’s initial phase.

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