Chapter 125: Foothold In The Imperial Capital!

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The area outside A University’s entrance gate was packed. This was the hour when traffic flow was at its peak, and there were countless vehicles, both private and public, zooming down the street. Luxury imported cars were by no means a rare sight in the capital, what more to say of the street in front of the best university in the nation. Thus, seeing a jeep did not impact these girls the slightest.

Sun Jiajia was born into a middle-class family so she didn’t even know what a jeep was. In fact, it’s boxy shape seemed a little old-fashioned to her, which earned her disdain. On the other hand, Bai Xinran, who was from an upper-class family, knew a little more than your typical Chinese girl about imported vehicles.

“That car’s a military vehicle modified for private use. Definitely hard to find, even in the capital. Also, that number plate’s no ordinary plate.” Bai Xinran’s eyes glimmered as she turned toward Gu Xiqiao. “How old’s your boyfriend? Why is he even permitted to drive this car?”

The number plate arrogantly displayed four zeroes. This meant that the driver did not need to stop at police checkpoints. This sort of vehicle was hard to get, even for distinguished military personnel. Of course, the corner of Bai Xinran’s mouth stiffened up as soon as she realized that Gu Xiqiao’s boyfriend was no nouveau riche, let alone an average Joe.

Gu Xiqiao did not bother answering her question. Instead, she kept her eyes on the car, which rolled to a stop just outside the university gate. She bowed slightly towards her roommates to bid them farewell.

“I’ll be leaving now. Will treat you guys out to dinner the next time.”

She walked towards the car in a graceful manner. Xu Jing was incredibly curious about Gu Xiqiao’s boyfriend but considering that they had just met a few days ago, she felt it would be rude of her to walk forward to get a better glimpse of the driver. So, she stood in place, looking from afar hoping that the man would enter her vision. Bai Xinran and Sun Jiajia too, remained still.

The car door did not pop open as they had expected it to. Right before the moment Gu Xiqiao was about to reach the car though, a man with a well-built frame hopped down from the to open the door for her. Even from a distance away, they could make out the handsome features on his face. He had a pair of slightly raised eyebrows, a high nose bridge but the most prominent thing about him of all was his intimidating demeanor. Only a man with a high social standing could give off such an air, they thought.

Still, they were surprised by his chivalrous attitude when he popped open the door for Gu Xiqiao. While he did so, he carefully placed his other palm onto the roof of the car. Every little action of his made these onlooking young girls squeal loudly in their heart.

“So that’s Gu Xiqiao’s boyfriend?” Sun Jiajia was the first to react after the car zoomed off into the distance. Her face was flushed. In her entire lifetime, this was the first time her heart had gone numb for another man. Remembering Bai Xinran’s words from before, she asked, “Say, who do you think that guy is?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure that he was raised in a well-off family.” Bai Xinran replied. Before that though, she was standing there, staring into empty air where her roommate’s boyfriend once stood. Her head drooped down slightly, making it hard to discern the look on her face. “Since we’re short of one member, I think it’s best to postpone this dinner to another night.”

Sun Jiajia did not protest this decision. She wanted to see more of that man. So much so that she didn’t mind not going to the Royal Hotel for dinner.

Naturally, without Gu Xiqiao, Xu Jing lost even more interest in dinner with those two, neither did she feel like talking with them. She fished her phone out of her pocket and proceeded to text Gu Xiqiao.

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