Down Part 11

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Am I a master with no control over myself? Or a pawn with no master? 

"♪♫You can't do a double suicide alone...♫" A light tapping of shoes played along, without rhythm. Just walking.

"♫Woah Woah, but, but you can do it with two...♪" 

"Tch." Ryunosuke Akutagawa, having lost his patience with Dazai's wonderful song. Akutagawa sends Rashomon to his neck to shut him up. Dazai immediately stops singing as Rashomon holds his neck tight, but no damage was taken. Dazai's gift, No Longer Human, protected him, of course. A smirk slips across his face.

"Oh, you were here?"

"I believe you know what manner of fate awaits those who are bound here." he deactivates Rashomon as it returns into Akutagwa's coat.

"This brings back memories. I remember when you were a rookie." He was only 8 around that time I believe.

"You have committed grave sins. You suddenly abandoned your mission, vanished, only to reappear as an enemy to the Port Mafia. It's unbelievable, coming from a former executive."

"And from your former superior?" Akutagawa punches Dazai hard on his face. Blood spilling out into a puddle nearby. He gives off a small grin. Still a little brat, huh.

"Not even you are invincible. As long as I don't use my ability, I can hurt you. I can kill you anytime I want." Hatred, Akutagawa seems to hate Dazai.

"I see. You've ascended the ranks. I'll say this to you now, but it was a challenge to train you. You were a slow learner, and you always disobeyed orders. Not to mention, that useless ability of yours."

"You fake bravado will only last for a few more days. In that time, we'll obliterate the Agency and seize the weretiger. Your execution will then follow. You should look forward to the news of your organization and your subordinate's demise with clenched fists and teeth."

"I wonder if you'll actually manage that. My new subordinate is far superior to you." In a rage that Dazai caused, Akutagawa swiftly punches Dazai. Due to the strength in the punch, Dazai was been knocked out once again. Why did I do that? Akutagawa, you've grown strong...


*Yawn* If I predicted correctly, by now they should be... "It's about time."

"Plotting as usual?" That voice... Oh-no, oh-no, oh-no, I'm going to die. Not this bastard. Not this bitch.

"This is a surprise. Such a view is worth millions of dollars. Wouldn't you agree, Dazai?" Chuuya Nakahara. Ability: For The Tainted Sorrow, Port Mafia Executive. 

"This is the worst. The absolute worst."

"Just the reaction I expected. It makes me want to strangle you." Firey blue eyes rest upon the chained up Dazai.

"You haven't changed much after all this time." He really hasn't though. Still just as ugly *mental cough(beautiful) when we first met. 

"Huh?! What do you mean."

"You're still wearing those embarrassing hats. Seriously, where are you getting them?" But in the end, he's still the same old Chuuya.

"Say what you want, vagabond. That's not the point of me being here." He grabs a handful of Dazai's hair to drag him down to his level. "You've might have been able to fool that little boy, but you can't fool me. After all, I am your old partner. What's your play?" They stared into each other eyes, a longing of being in each other embrace.

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