Sigh Part 12

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(I have no idea when this takes place, but it's sometime before/during the Guild Arc)

Atsushi woke up in a cold sweat. It's just another dream, it's just a dream... Atsushi gets up from the futon. He was in his room in Dazai's apartment. Since there wasn't a spare room for Atsushi to dorm in. Dazai was forced to have Atsushi at his house, which he was fine with.

He goes to the closet, which has his everyday attire. A white dress shirt, black tie, black belt, which was a bit long, black pants, and his black fingerless gloves were gifted to him by Yosano and Kunikida. He goes out of his room, then he sees Dazai trying to hang himself once again.

"Good morning, Atsushi-kun." Dazai wasn't hanging, really. It seems like the rope was too long, so it let his feet touch the ground. Atsushi stares in disappointment but helps Dazai out of the rope.

"Dazai, can you at least not commit suicide when I just woke up."

"Maybe. Are you going to make breakfast now?"

"Yeah, yeah. Today I'm making omurice." Atsushi has learned to cook pretty well because of Dazai and Kunikida. Kunikida taught him how to cook because Dazai isn't allowed next to the stove, or he'll burn the building down. Since there wasn't anyone to cook food and they weren't going to eat out every meal, Atsushi cooks the meals.

As soon as Atsushi puts the omurice on the table. Dazai quickly consumes it like he was in a rush.

"Thank you, Atsushi-kun. I need to try out a new method, so I'm leaving." Dazai quickly got up and left the apartment.

Oh well. Atsushi thought as he starts eating his omurice. After he finished, he cleans the dishes and puts on his shoes, and left the apartment.

It was a peaceful walk, birds chirping, students going to school, and adults going to work. Atsushi opens the door into the building the agency was in. He climbs the tile steps until he reaches the floor he needed to go to. 

Just another day at the agency, you can do this again. 

Atsushi opens the door. Everyone except Kunikida and Kenji was present. Atsushi assumes that they were on a case. Everyone else at the Agency was on their chairs.

"Why is everyone on their chairs? Are we playing a game?"

"Yeah, we're playing, we saw a big ass spider, and we don't know where it went," Ranpo yelled, sitting in his chair, protecting and eating his snacks. 

Atsushi scrambles onto his chair, terrified. He was mentally screaming. Where's Kunikida and Kenji when you need them. Atsushi crouches on his chair, holding on to it for dear life.

"Hello Atsushi-kun, I should've died today." Dazai was on his desk, holding his knees towards his chest. Everyone was panicking.

"Onii-chan, please hold me!"

"Naomi? WHERE ARE YOU, YOU BIG SPIDER?! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SCARED MY SISTER!" Tanizaki shouted, but of course, what good could it do? And then Yosano stomps into the room.

"Don't worry. I got this." Yosano was carrying her giant cleaver.

"Yosano-san, NO!" It was too late. Yosano started swinging her cleaver all around, and oh, it was terrible. It was as if a psychopath was going to abolish everything in the room in the bloodiest way possible. She sliced the wall, some of the desks, paperwork, and a few books, but no spider was killed.

"Wait!" Dazai perks up from his desk. "You can die from a spider bite!" His eyes lit up. Dazai rolls off the desk and lays flat on the floor.

"Dazai-san, what are you doing?" Atsushi yelled. This is way too early for so much chaos.

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