Chapter III

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Corpses POV

I called Y/N on face time and she picked up. I put down my phone so she couldn't see me. She showed her face, however, and from what I saw she was sitting on a couch. She waved at me and said:

Hi Corpse! How are you?

I'm good. What about you?

Meh, I could be better.
-She said in a joking manner while getting up and walking somewhere

Are you ready to watch me edit?
-She asked

Hell yeah!

She got into a room, closed the door and sat on a chair, she placed her phone down and I couldn't see her face anymore I only ceiling

So, anything interesting going on? I asked

Well, I had to go get groceries and I just got back from the store. What about you?
-She answered

Nothing much, I watched some X life and then I played CS GO

Oh wow! Whose videos did you watch?
She asked with a very happy voice

Joeys, since he has the most episodes. Also, your island in the witch bace is very cool

Thank you! I spent forever making it! I'm glad someone likes it
She said

So do you have any roommates? She asked

No, I live by myself in an apartment I got it with my girlfriend before we broke up, but after we did she moved out.
-I said

Oh, I'm sorry, that must have been rough
She said

Well, I'm over it. So who do you live with?

I live with my boyfriend Dave and my cat Shrek, I know that's an odd name, but I like it a lot.
Y/N said laughing

I understand after all Shrek is love, Shrek is life
-I said and Y/N laughed and I could imagine a smile forming on her face.

We talked more about random stuff, like school and such then we came to the topic of romance

I honestly don't love my boyfriend anymore. He's been very mean to me and Shrek, he constantly tries to control me and tells me what I can and can not do in my home.

That sounds bad, Y/N. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to
-I said feeling sorry for her

Thanks for the offer. He's been so unbelievable that I moved out of our shared room into one of the guest bedrooms that I use as a recording area.
She continued

I'm just on the verge of breaking up with him its gotten that bad. He will often go out, drink, and come home late at night. I don't know what happened to him, he's never been like this before I don't know what has gotten into him.

I said pausing

Yes, Corpse?
She asked

I'm very sorry you have to go through that, look if he ever tries to harm you or Shrek, he will answer to me
I joked

Y/N laughed again, the sound of her sweet voice made me happy, she is an amazing human, she has such a calming aura and you can just talk with her for hours over anything

We continued talking while she edited. A few hours had passed and she was done.

Okay, it's all done now! Thanks for staying with me! It was a lot of fun
She said

No, thank you for having me
I laughed

I'm going to make dinner, we can still talk if you are free
She said

Yeah, I'm free! What are you making?

I'm thinking about it... Spaghetti
She exclaimed. She got the phone from the desk and moved the camera to show her face. She walked over to the kitchen and leaned the phone on a cup so I could see what she was doing.

Wow you have a nice kitchen
I said

Oh thank you but it's nothing just a regular kitchen
She let out a slight laugh

She finished making the spaghetti and ate them, I on the other hand ordered some food.

We ate and laughed, overall having a blast. We continued talking for many more hours until Y/Ns head jolted to her left side and a look of worry was on her face. A man's voice could be heard.

"What the fuck are you doing? Who are you talking to?

"I'm talking with a friend, calm down"
She said

"Oh you're a little slut"
The man said laughing, but it was not a happy laugh, more like a serious laugh

"What's the matter with you? You've been gone all day and now you come home drunk and insult me for no reason"
Y/N argued

"Oh, there is a very good reason. But I don't want to look at you right now."
The man said as his footsteps approached

"I will talk with you again once you've stopped being such a whore"
The male said

"Stop! This is just ridiculous can't you see im talking with a friend right now and he can hear your drunk ass"

"Ohh so you've just admitted it yourself."

"He's just a friend! What I can't have friends anymore?"

The man said shouting

Y/n screamed back

The man said and suddenly a loud noise was heard. Y/N flinched and the man stormed off into a room and closed the door shut.

Y/n stood in shock at what just happened. She turned back to me and apologized

"Corpse, I am so so sorry you had to witness that! I should have hung up as soon as I heard him opening the door."

"No, it's okay. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, he missed"

She said looking down and observing something on the floor.

"Look, Y/N if you need a place to go you can always come over
-I said trying to comfort her

"No, it's okay! I know what to do when he gets like this"

"The offer is still pending, keep that in mind"
I said

"Thank you so much! It means a lot, but I have to go now. Thanks for talking with me for so long"

"No problem, and this time I'm serious if this jerk does something else call me okay? And lock your door."
I said

"Okay, thank you!"
She said and then hung up.

I was very worried about what I just saw, this was not normal, I wanted to help Y/N In any way that I can because she is an amazing friend. Even though we met yesterday, we've talked for so many hours that she knows a lot about me and i know a lot about her.

I made it my goal to make sure that this asshole would not harm Y/N or Shrek ever again. I will not get involved physically, I was only going to guide Y/N to the right decisions and support her

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