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(Phineas' POV)

The machine whirls down, and I open my eyes. "Well, we're back guys. It's sundown now, wow," I say as I look at the dark sky. "Well, are we going to go in or stay out here?" Buford asks annoyed. We all get out, and we go indoors. 

"I'm exhausted I think I'm going to check out early," Baljeet wearily says. "I'm with nerd here," Buford says in agreement. "Well I guess you two can get the couch," I inform them. "Isabella can sleep upstairs with Ferb and me," I added. 

I noticed Ferb gave me a weird look and shook his head. "You want Candace's bed? She is staying at Jeremy's tonight," I ask my brother as he nods. "Alrighty then, come on Isabella," I tell her as I give her a smile. She just looks at me and nods as we both begin going up stairs. 

"Is something wrong Iz?" I ask her. She gives me this stare, and sighs. "Yes, I need to confront you about something," she says quietly. I open the door up and I let her go in first. She sits on Ferb's bed, and looks up at me as I turn on our light. "What's up?" I ask her as I plop down on my bed.


(Isabella's POV)

I look up at the boy across from me. He stares at me, waiting on me to tell him something. I look down and take a deep breath. I look up at him and firmly state in a serious tone "Phineas there's something you need to know.. but I'm going to let you find that out." I knew I couldn't do it, he wouldn't understand the concept. He gives me a confused look, and I quickly turn away from him.

"Isabella, you know you can tell me anything. You can't just tell me you have something to tell me without actually telling me," he says in a soothing voice. "I know, but you wouldn't understand," I explain to him. "Well, I do know not to keep confronting a girl, and to give them some space. If that's what you want, I'll let you have some," he tells me, defeated.

 "Phineas, you don't have to," I tell him, cracking a smile. "I know, but it's the way I was taught," he firmly stands his ground. I laugh, rolling my eyes; he just smiles at me and shrugs.


(Ferb's POV)

"How much you want to bet those two are making kissy faces up there?" Buford asks. I shrug, but smile. "Buford, based on my calculations, the chances of that is at least 90%," Baljeet informs him. "I'll take those chances," Buford humbly states. "Say Ferb, mind if you check up on them?" Baljeet asks me, smiling. I give him a thumbs and and quietly go upstairs.

As I go upstairs, I hear nothing. Confused, I knock on the door, but no one came. I just smile, knowing something was happening. I decided to open the door, hoping to interrupt them. As I open the door, I was absolutely shocked. 

I saw they both were on opposite sides of the room, doing nothing. I think they noticed the odd look on my face, because they were smiling. "Hey bro, what's up?" Phineas asks me. I just shake my head, a bit disappointed. I look at Isabella, who is just smiling at me. 

"I just came up here to check on you two before I went to bed," I quietly say, half lying. "That's sweet Ferb, but we're ok. Goodnight!" Isabella cheerfully says. "Night bro," Phineas says as I shut the door. 

I quickly run downstairs to inform the other two. "Whoa, slow down Ferb. What's up?" Baljeet asks me. "Phineas and Isabella weren't doing anything!" I quietly exclaim. They both looked at me and said "what?!" in unison. 

"So much for your 90%, nerd," Buford angrily says at him. "How was I supposed to know?!" he whimpers back. I quickly step in between them. I look at them both, quietly stating "I think this relationship is dead." "It technically can't be a 'relationship' if it never happened," Baljeet informs us. Buford punches his arm, and he lets out a yelp. 

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