Memory Loss

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A/N: Happy Halloween everyone! I'm currently writing this before my family comes down, so I might not finish. Anywho, in this chapter we will see everyone with their memory being erased, however, I do have an idea to make it interesting, so enjoy!


(Ferb's POV)

I hear my brother's alarm go off, and him yelling at me to get up. "Get up Ferb, last day of school!" he says, motioning for me to come downstairs. He leaves the room as I get up, and I pull  something out: I pull out that stupid comic that Baljeet showed Phineas that sparked that idea.

Now you might be wondering how I got it, considering our minds were erased? Well I managed to grab it from Baljeet right before the mind erasing. Anyways, I look at it, and I rip it up. I made sure Phineas wouldn't see it, and I headed downstairs. 

I saw my brother already finish breakfast, and was waiting on me. "C'mon Ferb, let's go already. Eat breakfast quick so we can go get Isabella," my brother said impatiently. "I'm going to skip breakfast. C'mon," I said, waving for my brother to come along. 

He looked shocked, and I disregarded his expression. We said bye to our parents and sister, and we start to head over to Isabella's. I saw my brother had a weird expression on his face, one I had not seen ever. I shake it off as we knock on her door.


(Isabella's POV)

I come skipping downstairs to get the door, and I open it. I see Phineas and Ferb standing there, and I smile. "What'cha doing?" I asked them. "Coming to get you cutie," Phineas said. Wait- "what did you say?" I asked him, my face getting red. "Oh nothing, can we come in?" he asks me.

Ferb gives him a weird look, and I let them in. "There's muffins in the kitchen!" I exclaim as I go upstairs. As I enter my room, I had the feeling someone was behind me. I turn around, and I noticed Phineas was smiling, holding something behind his back. 

"Um Phineas, are you ok?" I asked him. He nods, and walks towards me. "Isabella, I want you to have this," he said, revealing what he had behind his back. It was an orange bow, and I was confused; I knew I didn't have an orange bow. "Um thanks?" I said, confused.

"It's just a little something to let you know I'll always be there for you. I'll let you change, see you down there!" he says, as I shut the door. Well, that was weird, even for him. I look at myself in the mirror, and asked myself "Does he like me? Nah, impossible.." I shrugged it off as I got ready, stuffing the orange bow into my skirt pocket when I was finished. "Today feels like it's going to be different," I told myself as I skipped downstairs.


(Phineas' POV)

I see Isabella skipping downstairs, and she looked so cute. "Um Phineas? Are you ok?" she asked me. I nodded, motioning towards the door. We all start to leave, when my brother pulled me aside. "Can we talk?" he asks me as I nod. "What is up with you around Isabella today?" he asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, why?" I asked him, confused. "Never mind, let's go pick up the other two," he says, catching up to Isabella. I fall behind a little, only to gaze upon the beauty of Isabella. "Maybe something is wrong with me," I think to myself as I catch up with them.

We finally catch up with the other two, who were waiting on us at Baljeet's house. "Say, have you guys seen my comic today? The one about ti-" he was interrupted by Ferb, who was pointing at his watch. "Right, sorry. Let's go," he said, picking up his backpack. "That was weird," I said to myself as we headed towards school.


(Ferb's POV)

Yes, I know Baljeet was about to say something about his comic, and yes I do remember what happened, but that's an explanation I won't get into. We all reach the school, and it was eerily quiet, at least on the outside. We all enter the building, and there was no one hardly in the hallways.

"I know we're early, but there should be some people here," Phineas says, looking at the clock on the wall. "Let's check the cafeteria, I'm hungry," Buford declared. "You're always hungry," Baljeet says, rolling his eyes. We all enter the cafeteria, and sure enough there were plenty of people in there.

"See, told you," Buford proudly stated. "Whatever, let's eat!" Isabella happily says. I eye my brother who was eyeing her more than usual, which only peaked my curiosity more. I shrug it off, and walk over to get my breakfast. I sit between my brother and Baljeet, who were arguing over math.

I look over at Buford who was chowing down on his breakfast. I then spot Isabella, who was trying to get Phineas' attention. To my shock, it actually worked? Wait.. what?! I think Isabella was as shocked as me, because she gave me a look that said it all.

I quickly escorted the other two away from the premises. Buford was annoyed he didn't finish his breakfast, and Baljeet was confused till I made him look over there. "Wait, you mean Dinner Bell actually noticed her?!" Buford exclaimed speechless. I shushed him as I look over to see what happened next..


(Isabella's POV)

I look over at the boy next to me, who was staring at me. "Say Isabella, can I ask you something after homeroom?" he asks me with those innocent eyes of his. "Um s-sure," I stammered. I swear I was about to faint; there was no way he was about to ask me out, that was my job.

"Good, thanks!" he exclaims as he gets up. I was confused, if I had to be totally honest. Ferb, Buford, and Baljeet come over, also confused. "What the heck just happened?" Baljeet questioned me. "To be honest, I think he's going to ask me out after first period, but I'm not getting my hopes up. This could be just a huge fluke knowing my luck," I sighed.

"Wow, Phineas asking Isabella out the same day he notices.. that's like astronomically slimmer than 0.000001%, which are the odds I just came up with," Baljeet chimes in, astonished. "Like I said, won't believe it till he says it," I said, folding my arms across my chest. 

"Well I hate to break up this 'fling' you guys got going on, but class calls," Ferb mumbled, pointing at his watch. "Well, in about 50 minutes I'll know if he's bluffing or not," I thought to myself as we walked to class.


A/N: Yeah, I got really busy but had a great Halloween! It's currently 21 after midnight, and am exhausted. Anyways, hope you guys like the little "will he or will he not ask her out?" vibes I kind of threw out there. 

Don't worry, I got one more twist up my sleeve before I conclude the story(coming soon, I know, sad.) Will Phineas ask her out, or will he chicken out? Find out in the next chapter! :D

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