the avoided question

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Yahoo! How is everyone doing? How long has it been?? I don't even know anymoree-

Izuku had been waiting in his room for master to arrive home, the question still lingered in his mind.. it made him suffer. Finally, after what seemed like hours master came home.

The familiar black mist had appeared in the office, Izuku looked back from the chair he was sitting in. "Welcome back Master" Master looked at him "Hello son" Izukus eyes turned red and he smiled a bit, getting up from the chair. "We have so many new recruits! I'm so excited for you to meet them" he said excitedly, the quetion popped up in to his head again. Master sat down and nodded "Of course" Izuku looked at master in a confused tone he said "Master, who is Nana Shimura?" Master seemed distressed as soon as he asked the question which caught Izuku off guard. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ask I'm sorry!"


Aizawa was speaking to All Might and they were talking about classes when it somehow led to a specific person 'Usa Shimura' they didnt understand why such a person could enroll so late in to school, and they just kept talking about it.
"Anyway-" Aizawas phone rang, he looked at the called ID..


*back to greenbean*

Izuku seemed afraid, the Master looked angry now "Dont ever ask that again" Izuku whimpered and bowed "I-I apologize master, please forgive me" he begged, he didn't know why he was so frightened. Soon he just ran out of the room, his heart was beating to quickly, deciding to go to his room and just put on a coat.. soon jumping out the window.
Izuku wanted to go home, he wanted to just meet someone on the road and get them to help him get away from the LOV, but that would be impossible.
Izuku was distressed, just like master was. His memories of everything that had happened these past few months just flowed in.
He went up to a rooftop and just stared down, seemingly it seemed high up for him.. but it was only a few feet high. He hated being here but he didnt want to leave his mother, so all he did was sit on the edge.


A greenheaded woman had entered the interigation room with a few policemen, Aizawa didn't understand what was going on at all, he looked at All Might "Isn't that Midoriyas mother?"
They were standing in a small room, one way mirror in to the interigation room. "I think so" a policeman came in "Ms. Midoriya got caught for working in or for the LOV, we are unsure yet. I so humbly apologize for bothering you but can you please tell her son about what happened?"
Aizawa sighed "If we can find him then sure, he isn't that easy to find"
The policeman looked confused but didnt say anything more.
All Might stayed and listened to the interigation while Aizawa went out to look for the troublemaker.

*back to izuku*

Izuku was just staring at the stars, unsure of what to do.. he had been there for hours of end.

"So this is where you were?" Izuku looked behind him when he heard a scruffed voice talk, he only saw a black figure "Who are you?"
"I was looking everywhere for you, jesus christ.." the figure stepped forward in to the light, revealing Aizawa "Kid, I hate searching"
Izuku seemed to smile a bit at the comment "Well if you wanna find me you kind of have to search"
"Anyways, what do you want?"
Aizawa sighed deeply
"The police wanted me to find you and tell you that"
Izuku looked at him curiously

"Your mother got caught"

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