xvi. knightfall protocol

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chapter sixteen: knightfall protocol!

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          OLIVIA DIDN'T CARE THAT JASON TODD CHASED HER THROUGHOUT GOTHAM CITY. Actually, it seemed like a kind of revenge after playing cat and mouse all this time. The two vigilantes headed to the movie studios, where they found an entire empty space. Upon landing on the main platform, Olivia started for the studios' barred door, but Jason stopped her - clearly tugging at her uninjured arm.

          "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked.

          "Uh, in case you haven't noticed, there's a psycho on the loose trying to bring down Gotham City," the Wayne girl replied before rolling her eyes. "And one of my partners is locked up there. So, you have two options here: Either you help me with this or you step aside. You choose."

          Olivia continued walking down the stairs and toward the front door. Jason, for his part, crossed his arms - trying, as if he were a 5-year-old child, to make a whim - but realized that Olivia wouldn't mind that at all. The blond-haired girl was able to ignore any tantrum that occurred to her, and at that very moment she was ignoring it. What could he lose with that? Besides having the infallible opportunity to meet his successor in person, he had nothing to lose - so he walked quickly towards the blonde and they both crossed the threshold of the entrance. They took the elevator into the movie studios and the dark-haired boy saw that nothing had changed since the last time.

          "Bruce didn't update the security systems in his hiding places," Jason said, leaning against one of the walls.

          "Is that why it was so easy for you to go to the Clock Tower?" The blonde girl asked, glancing at Todd.

          "I had my tricks, princess," he murmured before smiling. "So... Who is my replacement?"

          "You have to stop calling him your replacement."

          "But he's my replacement, am I wrong?"

          Olivia bit her lip and tried to put it another way. "Let's say it's a Robin who learned Batman's true identity on his own and came together through desperate measure when Batman's real Robin was kidnapped by a sick clown."

          "Are you fucking with me, Olivia?" He teased, mimicking the blonde's voice. "'Cause this isn't funny!"

          Olivia glared at him. "Yeah, I'm serious, you idiot. Your successor is a bloody detective and a genius of logic, he was helping Batman to find you."

          "And his name is...?"

          "Oh, you'll ask that yourself."

          The elevator reached the floor they indicated and the doors were opened for them, the young woman ran towards the main wing where the cells were located - however, she stopped when she saw the lifeless bodies of those infected with the Joker's blood. When approaching one of them, she discovered that they all had a shot in the head. Jason approached the body of an old man, whom Olivia knew as Henry, who had a bullet in his head and the gun was at the side.

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