Chapter 21 (A)

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Narcissa and Lucius shared a strange look before turning around to go to the kitchen.

"Dinner will be in a few minutes!" Narcissa sang, looking behind her shoulder. The expression on her face told Hermione and Draco that she was hiding something from them.

"I think your parents are up to something," Hermione joked.

"They always are," Draco said with a wink.

Supper was suspiciously extravagant that night. The entire dining room was lit up with candles that smelled of fresh pine with a hint of cinnamon. A long, vibrant tablecloth tastefully contrasted the dark nature of the table. It was completely filled with a huge buffet of food, varying from an outrageously large turkey platter to a little plate of bite-sized kabobs. What really caught Hermione's eye was the chocolate fountain residing humbly in a corner. It was taller than she was and just an inch shorter than Draco. The both of them immediately ran over to it and dipped some toothpicked marshmallows in. After eating about three, Malfoy decided to start bopping Hermione's nose with them. She quickly returned the gesture and before long, their laughing faces were covered in chocolate.

"Alright, you two. Go get cleaned up and then we can all eat together," Narcissa said playfully.

"Race you to the bathroom," Hermione whispered to Draco before bolting off.

Malfoy nearly knocked her over as they burst into the nearest washroom.

"I won! I won!" Hermione giggled.

"No fair, you got a headstart," Draco said in an exaggerated whiny voice.

"Doesn't matter, I still got here first," Hermione smiled.

"Fine," Draco sighed, turning to look at himself in the mirror.

"Oh my word," he remarked.

"We look like such a mess," Hermione said with wide eyes.

They slowly turned to look at each other and roared out in laughter as soon as they made eye contact.

"HURRY UP IN THERE! WE'RE STARVING," Lucius' voice boomed from the dining room.

Draco and Hermione suppressed their laughter as they gave their faces a thorough wash. About five minutes after Lucius' message, they returned to the dining room.

"Took you long enough," Mr. Malfoy muttered once Hermione and Draco found their seats.

"Sorry Hermione, you'll soon find that he gets overtly grumpy when he's hungry," Narcissa teased.

The entire table-excluding Lucius-broke into a fit of laughter.

There was an overwhelming sense of comfort that had developed throughout the course of dinner. Hermione was finally starting to truly feel like she fit in with the family. However, she was still wondering why Narcissa was acting so suspicious earlier.

"Okay, guys. Lucius and I have some very exciting news to announce," Narcissa said once everyone had cleared their plates.

"Suppose this is where they tell us what they've been up to?" Draco whispered to Hermione. She stayed quiet but nodded to him excitedly.

"We'll be moving away from Malfoy Manor in a week," Lucius said with a grin.

"WHAT? How am I supposed to pack all of my things in a week? What about Hermione?" Draco cried out.

"Oh, right!" Narcissa said.

"We're leaving the manor in your possession, Draco."

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