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"Don't worry, love. I'm here." 

- Tom was a caring alpha. He never strayed too far from you-- especially when you were in heat. Though, him being an actor did cause him to become busy for a long amount of time, meaning a lot of the time, you were alone. However, as soon as Tom was free, he was right by your side. 

- You, his omega. 

- Sometimes the pain would be unbearable and Tom would be able to hear you from any distance. He could hear your whimpering and cries as you layed in your nest, clinging to one of his shirts or his pillow, anything to keep his scent close by. 

- Still, most of the time, you were alone during heat. 

- When Tom was able to slip away from his career, he'd rush to your side and hold you close, rubbing himself against you in order to soothe you. You always felt so much more safer with him beside you. 

"My love, I'm so sorry I couldn't be here." He winced, laying the both of you down in the humble nest you had created. He nuzzled your neck and took in your scent, assuring himself that you were okay when you said you were. 

"I'm just glad you're here." You caressed his cheek, leaning over and kissing him. Tom purred in delight, keeping his hold tight on you. 

"I wish my work didn't keep me from you all the time, love." He said, readjusting while you layed your head on his chest. You rubbed his chest and smirked to yourself. 

"Maybe we should have pups. That way you'd have to stay." At first you were joking but then it settled in that maybe it was a good idea. You both were in a steady position to start trying for pups. 

- This made Tom perk up. 

"Pups? Are you sure?" He asked, reaching up and stroking your hair. He smiled slightly, thinking of the fond idea. "When's your next heat?" You chuckled and sat up, looking down at him with a knowing look. 

"I'm still on it." You ran a hand through your hair and arched your back a bit. This always sent Tom crazy. He gazed at you with a lust in his eyes. 

- Of course you were still in heat-- how could not smell it? Your aroma was overwhelming. 

"In that case, I suggest you lay down, my love." He sat up and nipped at the back of your neck. You eased at his light biting, letting him lay you back down before crawling on top of you. "My manager will be pissed to find out that I'll be busy for the next year, but to hell with it." 

- You were his mate and you always came first-- in more than one way. 


"I don't think I can control myself around you anymore." 

- Peter struggled as an alpha. He physically and mentally struggled to be the best he could. And then when you came along, an unmated omega, he went wild. The Avengers noticed he was a little more hostile and unstable. They were surprised he was an alpha to begin with-- harsh, but true. 

- The moment Peter had met you, he instantly knew you were going to be a challenge. And he was right to assume so. You were stubborn and aggressive-- which drove him to wanting you even more. You, however, were simply waiting to see how long it took until he broke. And when he finally did, you were left at his mercy. 

"I can't stay away from you." He huffed, pinning you against the wall of your room he had snuck into. For God's sake, he was still in his suit-- mask ripped off so he could get a better smell of your intoxicating scent. 

"Perhaps I don't want you to stay away." You teased, leaning towards him and nuzzling your face into his neck. The feeling of your soft skin against his made Peter nearly torn through your wall. "Perhaps I want you to take me against this wall-- claim me as your omega and make me have your pups." You moaned into his ear, your heat getting the best of you. 

- And that was when Peter lost control over himself. 

"I hope you aren't going to regret saying that." He grabbed your by the throat and tossed you onto your bed. Your sheets were already wrestled with, nest lazily made and about to be destroyed. Perfect. 

"Make me your mate." You arched your back as Peter slid between your legs, pressing himself as much as he could to you. "Claim me. Mark me. Please." You begged, reaching up and tugging at his curls. He growled, knowing he could get use to you doing that to him. 

"You don't have to ask me twice, baby." 

- Needless to say, Spider-Man had more than just a couple of sticky situation that night. 


"You come near her again and I'll fuckin' kill you." 

- Arvin was not the alpha to mess with. He was already an aggressive and overprotective alpha. He was going to do whatever he needed to in order to keep you safe. You, his dear omega, needed him to keep you safe from the other alphas that wanted you. Especially that other alpha that took hold in the church, Teagardin. 

- Sure, the pastor already had a mate but he just couldn't help himself around you. He could smell your sweet scent from the alter, even if you sat in the far back pews of the church. You were to be ravished, and by an alpha who knew how to do it. To Teagardin, that wasn't Arvin. 

- Arvin had made sure to get to you first and you were more than submissive to him. You could tell what kind of mate he would be. He was family orientated, a perfect father for your future pups. He was a fighter, he wouldn't stand to any bullshit. He was perfect and it was almost too good to be true when he approached you with that hungry look in his eye. 

"I saw the way he looked at you." Arvin was tense, his body stiff as you leaned up against him. "He wants you. He's plannin' on takin' you from me." 

"He's not gonna take me. You won' allow that." You nuzzled his lips against his neck, planting soft kisses on him. It seemed to ease him a bit but he was still on edge. As the pastor exited the church, he took a look at you, sensing that you were in heat. Both you and Arvin could tell he had picked up on your scent and was struggling to keep himself under control. Arvin growled, one low enough for only you and Teagardin to hear. 

"Back off." Arvin huffed, wrapping an arm around you and pulling your closer. "I'll kill him. I swear I will..." 

"Easy, honey." You brushed his curls behind his ear and purred softly to him. "He ain' the one that's gonna give me pups." You happily remarked. Arvin gazed down at you, his attention now fully drawn on you. 

-Pups? Really? You wanted his pups? 

"You serious?" He asked, leaning you against his car. You nodded, looking up at him with doe eyes. Arvin smirked tightly, gazing you up and down. "I ain' gonna lie when I say that I couldn' help but day dream about that during service this mornin'.." He sheepishly said, lowering his head to cover his blush. You leaned up and kissed him, assuring him that he should be proud to think of such things. 

"I know a secluded place in the woods near by." You whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. Arvin gave a low groan, knowing that it was your heat talking to him but he wasn't complaining. 

- God forbid anyone walk into those woods that day. 

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