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- Tom wasn't quite sure how he felt when he found out he was an omega. Sure, it made sense but at the dame time... it didn't. Shit, he was pretty certain that Zendaya would have been an omega.. but she turned out to be a beta. Strange, how life works sometimes. Thought despite the surprise, Tom went on living like he normally did-- though he would have countless days where he needed to stay at home while in heat. 

- He felt so utterly useless during those days. He'd lay in his bed -nest- and just... curl up as he felt the cramps start to tighten in his core. Being in heat sucked and he knew the only way to ease it. He needed an alpha. 

- Just his luck, you-- his bestfriend, happened to be an alpha. Not that he knew it at the time but you learned about your state at a rather young age. A female alpha. Rare. 

"Hey, you feeling okay?" You knocked on his door, showing up uninvited. You had a tendency to do that from time to time. Tom didn't mind it though, you basically lived with him. "Zendaya told me you weren't feeling well and sent me over." 

- Of course, Zendaya knew you were an alpha. You had layed low about being an aloha but Zendaya picked up quickly. She wasn't stupid and when she found out about Tom... well she simply needed to put the last piece in the puzzle to make a perfect picture. 

- You were an alpha, Tom was an omega. It was clear as crystal. 

- The moment you stepped foot in his room-- there was a shift, like an earthquake had just happened. Tom quickly looked up from his pillow and at you. You gazed down at him return. You both hadn't noticed it before, but the scent in the air was heavy. You could smell him, like his scent was staining your clothes and hair. He was in heat, his hormones radiating like onions making your eyes water. 

"Alpha." He muttered, looking up at you with a longing haze in his eyes. You eased at his voice, hearing the need and desire. 

"Omega." You called back, slowly starting to make your way towards the bed. Tom sat up, hands reaching your to you. "It hurts, doesn't it?" You asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Tom was instantly wrapped around your arm, nuzzling his face into your arm. You chuckled, reaching up and brushing his hair with your fingers. "It's alright, Tom. I'm here for you." 

"Come lay." He tugged at your sleeve, almost as if he was whining. 

"Scoot over then, you're hogging the bed." You teased, earning yourself a scowl from Tom. 

-He was adorable this way. A bit childish and bratty. Like he was just told no when he wanted sweets. 

"Hold me." He wrapped himself around you as you layed down, his leg over your hip and face nuzzled in your neck. You smiled, leaning in and kissing his head. Your arms found their way around his slightly shaking body. "Claim me, alpha. Take me. Make me your mate." He practically begged, his voice soft. 

"A bit demanding, aren't you?" You chuckled, brushing your nose against his. "You must be patient. You can't rush into getting a mate just because you're in heat, omega." You reached up and brushing his brown curls out of his face. Tom huffed. 

"Why wait? It's not like anything would change if we were mated." He stated, eager that you mated him right then and there. 

"Your heat is talking. I know it hurts but-" 

"I want you as my mate, _____. I know I want it." Tom would've put his foot down-- again, a childish move. "Even if I wasn't an omega, I wanted you before. I want you now." Tom said sweetly, nuzzling his face further into your neck. He needed your scent on him. He needed it. 

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