7 - The Pinky Promise

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Dedicated to pleaseupdate for being a sweet person who commented on the last chappie. :)



A couple of days have disappeared in a blink of an eye as the time keeps rolling by, and nothing significant changed between Anna and I these past days. I’ve tried several times to contact her, whether it’s directly nor indirectly, and none of them is responded by her. Instead, she keeps avoiding me and never sees towards my direction everytime we pass by, which somehow frustrates the hell out of me.

She hangs around a lot more often with Jenny right after our heated argument occurred a few days ago. Me? Well, I hang around with Brenda, the unpopular girl who likes to sit at the back of my class and reads piles of boring literature books.

How nerd.

But I’m rather glad to say that she’s not trying to shut me out. And the plus point is that we share the same class for a year, which is English Literature, which also means that it’ll be easier for me to catch up with her.

And my meeting with Dylan escalates right after that cold shivering night in the small café. We arrange a meeting almost everyday. He often asks me of what’s happened and what I’ve done o fix up my friendship, and I’d simply answer with a sad smile and shake my head in disappointment. Everything isn’t going like we used to between Anna and I, and I’m not sure it’s going to be fine anytime soon.

Dylan, well, he’s actually a great advisor to me. He’d usually give me a great advice when I desperately need to, and I have no idea how he could come up with those amazing solutions he often gives to me.

“Do you want to come with me or keep staying in this class?” Someone snaps me out of my thoughts all of the sudden, causing me to immediately tilt my head aside to see who the speaker is.

Brenda. It’s Brenda Jones. Standing a few steps away from my table, she stares at me curiously with a pile of books, which I assume as the literature ones, being gripped with both of her hands in front of her chest. The rectangular glasses that frames her plain black eyes and the blue-colored braces just pictures her as the nerdy girl a lot more, literally.

“Come with you seems like a better option.” I answer as I quickly begin gathering the books up and putting them into my red Jansport bag that I’ve been using quite often since like two years. This bag has totally become one of my favorite things to bring everywhere I go, since it was the last present my older sister gave to me before she decided to live in Australia. ‘Looking for a new life’, she once said to me when I asked her why before she finally left America for God knows how long.

“Hey, what’s up? You look so quiet today.” She questions with a frown right after we exit the room. I’ve honestly only told her the brief information about what’s happened between Anna and I without telling her the details. It’s not like I don’t trust her or whatsoever, but I just have trust issues with people I don’t truly know well. And I’m kind of hard to believe in people without knowing them better. In all honestly, it actually takes a few months for them to slowly start to gain my trust.

“Nope. Nothing.” I lie as I shake my head slightly.

My phone vibrates all of the sudden in my jeans pocket for a few times, pausing the on-going conversation between Brenda and I. Curious, I chuck my phone out of the pocket check the notifications just to find three unread messages.

From : Mom (1)

Hey my paprika, just got a gr8 news 4 u!

I frown while reading her message.

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