the gang

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the dinner with my mom and brother was fine but my thoughts were clouded with the unfortunate news that the hemmings brothers told me. he was here. it's like he was following me. i knew he was going to be here eventually. but not the same day that i would be. it's so aggravating. i text holly about it when im up in my room.

from nat <3
holly he's here early wtf do i do?!

from hols<3
oh babe, wish i was there to help. i tried to ask calum why and he said they couldn't wait to see their families so they uh. didn't

from nat<3
this just got a whole lot harder hols. it's like we keep being thrown in the same areas. why now? why not before when there could've been talk of forgiveness? or compromise?
i don't understand why NOW

from hols<3
me either mamas. i've got a long shoot day in front of me, text me if you have a hot austrailian emergency ;)

from nat<3
not funny !

it was funny. i'll give her that. i text calum as well figuring i'd need to get some confirmation from my old best pal

from lia
couldn't wait huh?

big boy cal
sorry lia. we all agreed it's been too long. i tried to talk them out of it, but i couldn't without being suspicious. i am playing two sides here lia.

i wince of guilt. he was doing so much to hide me. so i figured i'd take of the weight by a little. by suggesting something out of this world crazy.

from lia
i know cal, and i appreciate it more than you could ever know. what are you and the other two doing today after maybe 10? wanna go for brunch?

calum winds up spilling the beans that i'm also home to visit, but they had to swore to him that they would not tell luke at all costs, and that it was a one time thing. out of nowhere i get thrown into a groupchat.

from (xxx)-xxx-xxx

from (xxx)-xxx-xxx
i still can't believe you're here lia, this is insane. i feel like we're on a spy mission or something.

i didn't even have to ask who the strange numbers belonged to. my heart swells at the memories. my old best friends. i don the first number ash, and the second mikey

from cal
jesus don't overwhelm the poor girl, my god.

from lia
hiii :)

from mikey

from mikey
anyone else feeling hella nostalgia? oh my gosh. it's like secondary school all over again.

from ash
damn right mike. can't wait for the brunch, it'll be just like old times. kinda. i guess we're missing one and like we grew up and stuff.

from cal
we know why we're missing one and i'd like to keep it that way, for lias sake, i do not need to see her throw up again.

from lia
miss you guys too. today will be good. what did you even tell him you were doing today?
sorry cal xx

from cal
shopping for our girlfriends. i felt bad but he didn't want to join. just wanted to hang out with his mom. we have until 3, until we have our huge big family dinner.

from mike
all of our immediate family get together the first night for a 5sos celebratory dinner.

from lia
i saw jack and ben yesterday.
what if they let my secret slip?

from ash
we won't let them, we promise. when they get to lukes house we'll pull em aside. plus they know you, i don't think they'd do it.

from cal
well i'm gonna go get ready as you all should be doing hopefully

from mike
but my blanket is so comfy!

from lia
good to see things
haven't changed.

to say i was out of my ass nervous was an understatement. i haven't seen these two in years. i fell to the temptations and see what they look like now, so i go to their respective instagrams, giant and verified like they dreamed of. they looked good. ash... looked REALLY good. too good. that man ages beautifully, and michael looks so mature and composed, so opposite to what i knew him as before. i pulled up to a different place. it's new, it wasn't here when i was home last, but they said it was great. i open the door, and it looks like i'm the first here. while waiting for a table, i pull out my small mirror and make sure i didn't look awful. my milky tan skin was relatively clear, with a little concealer where i needed. my brown hair straightened to perfection. i get lead to a table. you know the feeling before a school function? or a concert? the nerves and anticipation? i was drowning in it. i don't know why i was. they weren't luke after all. the door jingles and i see three different colored hair, and i cant breathe. they start getting walked to our table and i meet eyes with them. my heart is hammering and my face is warm.

"well look who it is." ashton muses, glancing at me with a smirk, before falling into a hug with me. i pull back and i'm silent. since when was ashton so... intimidating? never in my life til now.

"oh my god." i mutter, pressing myself into michaels soft hug, feeling my body spiral with over stimulation of emotion. felt like crying. "i missed you guys so so so much." i squeal slightly, smiling wide as ever.

i wipe my sweaty hands off my skirt and take a deep breath. cal pats me on the back, i hung out at holly's home with him maybe a week and a half before i left so i had seen him recently. none, and i mean NONE of us knew what to say now. we all stared at each other for a minute before smiles crept on our faces and we busted out laughing.

"that was awkward..." i say, in between wiping tears from my eyes, "but so fucking funny" i finish with another laugh. we all mutually agreed.

"lia you look sickeningly good by the way," ashton spoke, through his water he was drinking. to my surprise the goofy/sassy side of him stuck through, and could tell, because he was putting the lemon slice in his mouth and smiling at calum being weird. i scoff.

"says you! what happened to the my little pony boy?" i shove his shoulder.

he laughs heartedly. "dunno honestly," he confesses.

his face shape stayed the same, just mature. his brown hair was short, yet long, as a lock laid on his head just dangling, moving with him. his hazel eyes beautiful as ever. he improved in all the right areas. that's what life and puberty will do to a man.

"still no matter, no wonder luke has been obsessed about you since the-" ashton gets cut off by a swift kick in the shin from calum. it didn't make me sad, rather kind of mad. he doesn't get to be obsessed when all my heartbreak happened the way it did. but i wouldn't let the boys know my feelings, were here to catch up.

"whatever guys, his loss. so mike, tell me about this fiance of yours."

after an hour and a half of us doing that, getting to know the real us, it was 2:30, and the boys had to be at the hemmings residence by 3:00, so i bid my old best friends a farewell, and that i would see them again as soon as possible. we group hugged after that, since the gang was back again after years of not being together with careers and life getting in the way.

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