Here Goes the First Akuma

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Yes, I am going to write in my diary like I'm telling a story. I know no one is ever going to read this, but I am in that need to tell someone. The only person I can talk to about my double life is my Kwami Tiki.

You are now probably ask through the paper to explain what a Kwami is. Basically when I say 'Tiki spots on' she gets sucked into my earrings and I get transformed into the super hero Lady Charme. I work with my partner, Cat Boy, to purify break and purify the Akumas.

I wasn't always this super elite superhero. Once upon a time I was just Emma Agreste, a normal girl with a normal life. I first got my Ladybug earrings on Tuesday, October 17th. It's crazy looking back at lunch knowing that it would be the last real time spending time with friends where I wasn't keeping this secret the weight of the world from them.

"So Hawkie, did you see what Eagle did last night? Hugo must have been freeking out about it," Jade leaned twords me from the opposite side of the lunch room table. It seems silly now that I am a superhero, but we were gossiping over the mistake over an American superhero.

"Yeah I have no clue what I'd do if I were her that must be so embarrassing, how do superheroes deal with that kinda stuff, I'd break if I were in their shoes," I responded.

I jump up in my chair as Dru bangs his lunch tray as hard as physically possible on the table, scaring the wits out of me. Dru being angery is far from weird, some days it seemed like he had minor anger issues. His face was glaring over at Leo Green from across the room.

"Yo, Dru, you good?" Brille's hazel eyes darted in between the two boys. Leo was currently talking to his friends, they were laughing and playing around.

"That jerk," Dru muttered as he sat down in his seat.

"Oh no, what did he do this time," Jade said sarcastically while picking at her food, more into the conversation then eating.

"He kept stabbing me with his pencils, which were very, very sharp," Dru narrowed his eyes at Jade.

"Don't let him get to you," Brille offered him a conferting smile. I never managed to understand how she can put so much goodness into one facial expression.

"Seriously, your getting pissed about a pencil?" My BFF remarked to the tall boy. His face became a little bit redder with the second.

"Jade, be nice," Leroy commented, only getting a shrug from her in response. It was to late as Dru had already stormed off to who knows where.

We ended up eating in silence until the lunch bell rung out. All four of us were in the same class so we walked together meeting back up with Dru in the hallway on our way back. Each of us enter Ms. Tress' class and take out seat.

You might be expecting me to say I sit by Jade. No, as a matter of fact I don't. We can never take anything seriously when we're together so Jade sits next to Brille and I was placed next to Liam. He was nice but his father had died last year, I heard he was a good artist and that he went to school with my mom other than that I didn't know much about Liam's father. Aside from what happened to Liam's father the boy himself was nice, but a little quiet. I often see him drawing little characters in his books. Occasionally I'd look over his shoulder just to see what he was drawing if I wasn't so focused on school.

Today I was wearing my favorite outfit, a candy red dress with a white cardigan over it, with my stylish tan boots to complete the look. Both designs belong to my parents company. On the other hand Liam was wearing blue jeans, a dull blue t-shirt, and black sneakers, as if he wasn't trying to stand out, although his bright red hair wasn't doing him any favors.

"Hi," I said giving the boy a friendly wave as I sit down. His cheeks glow red for what I can only assume is embarrassment. I wished that Liam felt more comfortable in my presence as he always got awkward when I talked to him or shy when I asked him about his day.

Suddenly I notice what's happening behind the red-head. Leo was back up and at pestering Dru again with the pencils problem. I knew that there was no way this would end well for anyone dispite not know how south this would turn.

So basically I'm not quite sure what happens next. I haven't yet learned the inner workings of Pieridae's evil do-dos to be able to say for sure what happened on her end. I can make a guess though.

So the butterfly villain probably grabbed on of her many butterflies, gave and evil and vain speech, an evil 'begone my Akuma' and poof we got one evil villain and no one to stop them. Basically, we were screwed. Well we would have been if it wasn't for me and Cat Boy.

Meanwhile is class I was barely paying attention. I was twirling my pencil around thinking about some drama with Cherly's friends that I cannot remember for the life of me when it happened. I had never been more terrified for my life then I was right then when Dru suddenly became a supervillain. Everyone in class was screaming, including the resident not-afraid-of-anything kid, Jaklyn. How else do you react to one of your classmates randomly turning into a supervillain. It took me a few moments to prosses what just happened because I never would have expected it, the butterfly miraculous was being used again.

"I am no longer Dru, I am now the Pesterghost!" The victim in front of us was in the shape of ghosts you'd see in Holloween promotional material, he was white but you could see right through him. His pointer finger was replaced by a pencil and he wore a jester hat. "I'm here to pull out all your worst peeves."

My instinct was to get out of there ASAP and mom said to always trust your gut so that's exactly what I did. I ran. Okay I know it sounds like the cowered thing to do, but everyone else did that too. Although some of my classmates got hit by wich the magic this dude was throwing at us, which was bad for them as it created the thing they hate the most to come and bug them. Luckily most of us avoided getting hit and we all scattered on out way home leaving this super villain to go crazy in town.

I was more happy then ever about where we lived. My house was located farther away from alot of the big stuff in Paris, but not to far that I couldn't walk everywhere. The house was a pale yellow and small for very rich and successful people. It could easily fit everyone with her brothers sharing a room. I was home alone because both my parents were working and my brothers hadn't ran home from school yet.

Out of breath I take my keys from my pocket and unlock the door. I immediately start text my mom asking her if she was okay. Shuffling my feet upstairs I enter my bedroom and close the door. The entire room was full of red stuff. It's like the photos of my mom's room only instead of pink it's red. Red walls, red carpet, red furniture.

I had no energy to do anything. I collapsed on my bed thinking about how a super villain had just attacked school when I turned over and saw a strange box in front of my face.

A/N: Uh hello random person who happens to be reading this. So this is not a serious story I'm just making things up as I go so if you're reading this don't have high expectations. I might not be the most active at uploading new parts but I'll try to make sure I don't abandon this. Well uh thanks if anyone is here.

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