The Earrings That Changed My Life

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I looked at the box, I had never seen anything like it before. I wondered if it belonged to either of my brothers. I flipping the top of to be greeted by a blinding pink light. My arms instinctively raised up and got in-between the light and my poor eyes.

As soon as the light dimmed down I saw a strange mutant ladybug right in front of my eyes. My mouth hands open, no noise escaping it. My heart stopped with terror. Inside the box was a pair of red and black earrings. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

"Hello, I'm Tikki!" The giant ladybug- mouse- thing said in a happy tone.

"Hi I'm Emma," I get off my bed grabbing on to the wall as I walk past the seemingly floating bug is. Trying to get to my door so I could get outside, have someone to get the probably alien creature. I reach my hand on the doorknob when-.

"No Emma, don't run, I need you to stop Pesterghost." My eyes widen, obviously there's nothing that I can do. I'm just a nORmAl GiRL with a noRmAL LiFe.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you with that," I twisted th knob so that all I had to do to apply pressure on the door to leave. Tikki zoomed up to my face.

"It has to be you Emma, you're the chosen one. Please just sit down and let me explain," I look into her caring eyes and get filled with a strange sence of comfort. Without thinking I let go of the handle and slump into my comfy red and armchair twirling around slightly.

"Okay, but please tell me why you're here," My voice wavered slightly.

"I'm a Kwami, I grant special powers. To use them you put on the earrings and say 'Tikki, spots on,' then you get transformed into a ladybug themed superhero!" The bug happily zoomed around while she talked.

"Woah, are you saying I'm gonna be Ladybug," My eyes widen as I finally put the peaces together of what is going on here

"Well you're not going to be Ladybug, ladybug. You'll be your own superhero, one separate from this current one," My eyes widen to be the size of a large cookie. I contemplate why me rather than some other random person.

"You have the power of creation, to use it you have to say 'Lucky charm!' and you'll get an item to help you win the battle. You also have to capture the Akuma after a battle and purify it. To fix things back to normal you through your Lucky Charm into the air and say 'Miraculous Ladybug'

"You're going so fast Tikki," How was I ever going to get this right if I had no clue what I was doing.

"You'll be fine Emma, I trust you!" How come Tikki always sounded so upbeat?

"Ok," I grab the box Tikki came from and clip the earrings onto my ears. "Tikki, spots on!"

(Cue the transformation sequence)

I grab a hand held mirror from on top my night stand, I gasp. Now rather than in my normal red dress I was in a red costume. I observed the red outfit with black spots. On my back there were two things ment to represent wings. My blonde hair was pulled up into two space buns that were now not only blonde but they had red tips. I had a red mask covering the area around my eyes.

I turned around quickly to look for Tikki. She wasn't anywhere to be found. 'I guess she must disappear when I transform," I metanly observed to myself. I swiftly open my window and climb out of it, while checking to make sure no one else had arrived home and could possibly see me.

I grab the yoyo on my belt and through it like in video's I've seen of Ladybug catching it on a building. I launch myself twords the danger and the Akuma. Mentally I go through what I had known about Ladybug and Chat Noir, which wasn't much if I'm being honest. While my brother had always droned on and on about the two I had been thinking about other things.

I start screaming, because y'know I never prepared to be practically flying in the sky. While my consent high-pitched screaming was escaping my mouth I scanned the area for the super villain. When I finally fell from my mini-flight I landed by a boy.

He was wearing a black cat costume. It looked easy to move around in. The cat boy had black hair with a tint of red in it. He was looking at a staff that resembled my very own yoyo. If I had to guess he looked to be around my age. It was safe to assume he was my partner.

For a second the boy looked startled by my sudden drop-in. Then he calmed down and looked at me, "Hello you must be my partner." He said with a friendly grin.

"Oh yeah, we're like Ladybug and Chat Noir, huh," I pointed out since we were literally being Ladybug and Chat Noir with their own accessories.

"I guess we are, wanna go into battle and fight this guy?" He asked me as if I had a choice on this matter.

"Yeah, we are the super heroes after all," I responded to him, trying to see if I could reconise him from anywhere. While I couldn't reconise him something felt oddly familiar about him, maybe we had crossed paths before in our personal lives.

"Come on let's beat this guy, what's his name again?" The cat dude asked, only getting a shrug from me in response even though I knew his name very well.

"Well what about you what should I call you?" I thought for a moment disiding what to call myself.

"You can call me Lady Charme," I disided on the spot.

"I've always been bad with names, you can call me Cat Boy," Cat Boy turned twords where the villain was attacking and ran off to fight it, I wasn't close behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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