Chapter 3

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This chapter is more like a flashback? So basically what happened and it short because it's 10:05 pm and I'm typing this on my school crime book and have online school tomorrow

-Y/n's pov-

I woke up a bit Emma looked like she had a nightmare she woke up a bit before me." shhh it's ok I'm here how about we wake up Norman so we can talk before it's time to wake the rest of the kids sounds good?" I asked her while hugging her.

She just gave me a simple nod. I shook Norman up now all of us were sitting on the bed in silence."So you knew?..." Emma asked. "When did you find out and why didn't you tell us we could have helped you," Norman said in a soft yet sweet voice.

"Do you guys remember Cari my blood older sister?" I asked, "Of course how could I forget/Yes I do." They said. I had tears strolling down my cheeks" (FACE!!! And yes I will always remind you cause I know what type of people some of you are 😌💅✨) are).

    "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to y/-" I cut both of them of. " No it's fine you both deserve to know." I took a deep breath.

    "On the day Mother told us that Cari was going to be adopted Mom was acting a bit weird and WAY too kind than normal. Cari looked scared and sad. I'm guessing she already knew what was happening and was trying to figure a way to get us out." I paused before I continued.

    (Cari is 12 and Y/n, Norman, Ray, and Emma are 4)" Cari as I think you remembered didn't leave my side the whole day she was practically gum stuck in the hair. (Idk if they have gum)But if she didn't mess up on a sentence then I wouldn't have gone out."


"Hey, nee-chan (Idk if I spelled it right I'm sorry) do people not want me is that why they don't want to adopt me?!?!" little y/n said, "No no no no angel(nickname) don't say that you know it could be because they just don't know how great you are I'm sure if they saw you they would adopt you," Cari said

-end of flashback-

    "So w what happened next?" Emma asked a bit hesitant to ask. "*sigh* I did what any 4 year old would do" I replied. "Y-Y/n d-did you do what I think you did?" Norman said worriedly. I nodded "Ya I did" more tries were coming out of my eyes.

    "That night I made sure no one saw me sneak out and followed were mother and Cari went." my tears didn't stop in fact they just continue to come out I'm surprised that I can still speak clearly.

    "I had to wait a couple of minutes before following them just to make sure that they didn't see or hear me. But when I got there I didn't see anybody I'm guessing the same thing happened to you guys too?
" they nodded their heads.

    "I looked all around I guess my lost thought was to check the back and-" By the time I said that I was sobbing Emma and Norman both pulled me into the hug. I waited a bit so I could calm down and continue and speak clearly.

    "You already know what happens next I could hear footsteps close in so Ieft and run to my room. By the time mom came back I was already asleep. I guess that's where I lost hope (Nagito: Did someone say hope-) I didn't say anything cause I knew that either mother would find out, No one would believe me, or they would try and find a way out."

    By that time both Emma and norman were both crying along with me." You should have told we could have helped you we would have also believed you." Norman said in a voice that sounded hurt and understanding.

    "I-I-I guess when I saw that the same happened to you I didn't want you guys going through the same thing," I said to them while still hugging both of them. We were for about 5 maybe 10 minutes when Emma pulled away then she looked at me.

    "But I still don't get one thing," she told me. "What don't you get?>" I asked her "Why do you cover your face you always were a mask but.., Even though your bangs cover your eyes you still wear your blindfold."

    Well, might as well tell them. " Well, my eyes change depending on my emotion. Like for example since I'm still a bit sad my eyes are blue. But my mask makes me feel comfortable." She looked at me blinked a few times then burst out yelling" WHY WOULD YOU HIDE SOMETHING SO COOL Y?N PROMISE ME YOU WILL TKE OF THAT BLINDFOLD AND CUT A BIT OF YOUr bANGs OK!!!"

    "Emma quiet down a bit you're going to wake the rest up!" Norman said. I just burst out laughing ok I promise" I said with a grin.

-Ray pov-

    ... Oh y/n if only you would have told me I would have been more than happy to calm you down and help you.

A/n this took so long anyways I have a couple announcements to make first

A/n this took so long anyways I have a couple announcements to make first

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I can't even bdjskdbdid thank you soooo much this means a lot to me

I'm also gonna make 2 more fanfic if you want to check those out one of the is going to be a dangronpa v1 x reader and the other one is a fnaf x reader but the fnaf characters aren't just from fnaf 1 so those are going to be posted in a few weeks

This is a special shout out to 81_MONSE_18 go check her out she makes good fanfic and if you are reading this 81_MONSE_18 hiii how are you gurlll anyways Marina out👋

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