Chapter 24: Taking Care Of A Hungover Wolf And A Secret Reveald

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(A/N: This chapter takes place after last chapter but it's the next morning Also why the fuck is Ein so fucking hot can I just say the artist did a great job on the picture I used for this chapter like oh fuck bruh das hawt af Ack...>/////< I have 4 other pictures that are of that same art style so the same artist did them and there all hot af I'll use them in other chapters next chapter is one of them)

-Ein's POV-

I wake up around 4 or 5am the next morning because I really wasn't feeling good at all my stomach was killing me and I had a horrible migraine, I couldn't even remember a single thing from last night all I remembered was drinking and getting a little drunk

I sit up which was a horrible idea because it made me feel even more sick than I already felt that's when I noticed the leash, collar, and cuffs on the floor as well as myself and y/n both still naked which made me think "Oh...Fuck how drunk was I last night I hope I wasn't to rough if we did do it~"

Ein: *thinks to self* "Ugh...I should really get dressed even though I feel so sick from being hungover at the moment"

I then change putting on my boxers and jeans I really didn't want my hoodie on sunce I felt pretty hot I then think to myself "she would mind if I stayed shirtless right I mean we are dating and I'm too hot to wear my hoodie or put on a shirt at that"

I was about to start cleaning up by putting the collar, leash, and cuffs back where they belong when my head really started pounding which made me sit back down on the bed and hold it in pain

Ein: "FUCK!!"

I couldn't help it, it hurt like hell but I ended up startling  y/n and waking her up

y/n: *gasps and sits up taking deep breaths from being scared* "Oh...heh...It's just you Ein"

Ein: ........

y/n: "Ein?" "You ok baby"


y/n: "Geezes...Calm down it was just a question"


y/n: "So you're not ok"

Ein: "Fuck...NO I'M NOT"

y/n: "I'm sorry I guess last night you were right about being hungover in the morning weren't you"

Ein: "Ugh....I DON'T FUCKING KNOW I DON'T REMEMBER A FUCKING THING FROM LAST NIGHT" *takes a deep breath to calm down* "I'll be right back"

y/n: "What no lay down I'll get what ever you need"

Ein: "No I have to use the bathroom"

y/n: "Ok" *thinks to self* "Dang I hope he's ok"

I then get up and go to the bathroom I had to because I felt so sick and it seemed like since I never threw up last night form drinking it decided to hit me the next morning instead

I still don't know if it was because of not puking last night or because my migraine was making me feel pretty nauseous what ever it was I knew it was not because I was sick I never get sick and when I do which is very rare I always get hit super hard with it

-y/n's POV-

Ein has been gone for a while I wonder if he's ok I should go check on him but first I need to put some clothes on

I then stand up and grab my clothes putting them on "there that's better I don't feel so venerable anymore" I say to myself

I then went to check on him knocking on the bathroom door then tried opening it but it was locked

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