. Izuku? .

90 4 1

Bakugou's POV

''FUCKING SHIT! OLD HAG, CALL HELP. '' I scream, turning off my laptop and sprinting down-stairs. My mother was confused.

'' Why do I need to call help, Brat? '' She mutters, holding her phone.

'' THE SHITTY NERD, IZUKU NEEDS HELP. ********* '' I said the address and I exploded the door down and sprinted down the street. Soon I find the nerds house, seeing that Icy-Hot and his family were there, pacing.

'' We haven't heard anything from the house since we got here. Right now we're waiting for the police and pro-heroes. '' Fucking Icy-Hot says. Soon I see almost the rest of the class here, along with Mr. Aizawa and All-Might.

'' Is what Hitoshi told me true? Is the problem-child hurt? '' Aizawa says, walking to the door.

'' W-we all saw it s-sir. '' Round-Cheeks says, sobbing.

'' Why is Dabi here? '' He asks, pointing towards the villain.

'' Apparently he's Touya Todoroki, leave it. '' I say, walking over to a window. Icy-Hot follows me and we both look through.

The house was a mess, covered in glass, dust, and is that... blood?

'' What is that... '' I mutter, hearing police sirens.

'' IT'S THE PRO-HEROES, LET US IN! '' Aizawa shouts, kicking the door. We hear a small sound from below us, and Icy-Hot drops down.

Soon Half-n-Half stands up, his eyes wide. '' Midoriya is down there... '' He just mutters. I nod and run towards Aizawa, the rest of the class confused. Yes, I did bully the shitty nerd, but I didn't want to see him this hurt. I wanted to apologise.

Soon I get to him and use my quirk to explode the door down. We hear something from a door and see it open to reveal what we think is Hisashi Midoriya. He has white hair with black streaks, and fire tattoos on his neck and arms?

'' Hello. '' He says simply.

'' Let us see Izuku. '' I commanded, glaring at him.

I hear someone come up behind me and turn around slightly, seeing Kirishima there. He smiles slightly at me and I smile back, before turning back and running forward. Soon Mr. Aizawa and All-Might have the bastard down and I hear the police questioning the class outside. Looking around, I see a door slightly open with a pool of blood in front of it. I wince and nod to Icy-Hot, who was beside me. His eyes crinkle as he winces and opens the door.

What we saw wasn't what I expected.

Deku's blood is splattered all over the stairs, and as we walk down, we see him. He had multiple stab wounds in his arms, legs and lower torso. He also had some bruises and older cuts on him. Icy-Hot sprints over to him and I look around, seeing a smashed laptop, a mouldy mattress and a moth-eaten small blanket. His bag was discarded at a corner, looking as if it were burnt through.

I go upstairs and nod to the police and Aizawa, while All-Might lead Hisashi outside. I head out to see the fucking bastard and see the class either crying or shocked. I look at the extras and glare at them.

'' Deku's faced worse, he'll be fucking fine. '' I tell them. Shinsou walks forward and I glare at him before he... hugs me?

'' Thank you for trying to help him. He's like a brother to most of us. '' He mutters.

'' Just fuck off, Eye-Bags ''

I just shove him off and walk towards my extras. Raccoon-Eyes was wiping away tears that kept coming, and she was being hugged by Round-cheeks and the rip-off ninja-turtle. Pikachu was just rubbing circles on Ear-phones back as she sobbed and Duck-Tape was just sitting there. Tokoyami was beside Ear-phones and Pikachu, which was confusing. I hear some gasps and more sobs. Turning around, I see Deku being brought out on a stretcher, his stab-wounds bandaged up with the old-white fabric now red.

Todoroki's POV

I sprinted over to Izuku, as Bakugou looked at the rest of the basement. How could we have missed this? He came onto class everyday with a new injury and a new excuse. We had just dismissed it. I mentally slapped myself as I watched Izuku get put into an ambulance. They asked us if anyone wanted to go, only 2 people.

'' I'll go, it if isn't too much of a problem. '' I say, looking at the class. Despite her tears, Ashido slightly grinned.

'' I'll go too, to make sure he's fine. '' Shinsou states, standing up from hugging Denki. Eventually Shinsou and I get into the ambulance and we head out to the hospital.

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