🔱 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷: 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 🔱

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Art is by Inkspirate on pixiv

My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Ah, sorry for the cliché introduction, but I've been feeling restless lately, so I decided to write out the story for how I met Gura, the love of my life and (gosh it feels good to write this) my future wife.

So, I guess I should get right to it, well, the date was so life changing that it will be forever burned into my memory.

It was the 19th of October....


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes, feeling the harsh sting of the cool sea wind. It was a nice day out, I suppose. The sky was clear and sunny, but also slightly winding. The perfect weather for sailing. It would've been better if my dad's boat didn't reek of fish and shark guts. Speaking of...

I looked back from where I was seated right near the front of the boat. My dad was currently working with a shark. It was a little smaller than what he would usually deal with, but that didn't change anything. Shark could sell for a pretty high price, depending on the part you're selling. That's partly why I had a comfortable life growing up.

Personally, I didn't like this part of the job. Reeling and gutting fish was one thing, I could handle that, but Sharks were something else. I always loved sharks, they're my favourite animal, after all. They always had a sense of power and freedom, being so big and fierce. So having one strung upside down strung up on a metal hook, it made my stomach churn.

It wasn't as bad as when I first joined my dear old dad out on the choppy waves. When I first started, I could barely handle the fish, let alone the sharks. I would throw up more often than not, but after helping him with this for two years, I'd gotten used to it. Doesn't mean I like it though.

"(Y/N)! Come 'ere" He bellowed. Begrudgingly, I moved from where I was sat. The spot was comfortable and warm since I had been sitting there for so long, but I had to do what I was told. I walked over to (Y/FN) at a slightly hurried pace. He turned to me and gave me a smile. It would've been nice, if he wasn't covered in blood.

"You see this, (Y/N)? Now I won't make ya gut one of these 'till ya have too, but I wanna see if you can at least tell me what kinda shark this is?" His voice was deep and grumbling, which one would often see as a threatening, but having known this man for years, I'd gotten used to it.

The shark itself was a pale yellow-beige colour, with a white underbelly. It had a pointed nose, more so than other shark species. It's once shining eyes were slightly pale and glazed over. Of course I knew what shark this was, it was one of my favourite species.

"It's a lemon shark" I stated bluntly, kind of sad to see one of my favourite sharks strung up, looking so lifeless. Dad gave me a large grin and a slap on the back, his way of showing affection. I'd gotten used to that too.

"You're good, (Y/N)! (Y/BN) couldn't tell the difference between a Great White and a Bull!" I awkwardly chuckled along with him. (Y/BN) wasn't like me or dad. He wasn't into fishing or sharks. He preferred to stay locked in his room, finishing off work and listening to 'Vtubers' as he called them.

Recently, the only thing that you had bonded over was the fact that he had gotten into an English speaking one that was based on a shark and went by 'Gawr Gura' or just 'Gura'. I'd asked what type of shark she was, but he had simply responded with 'a Gura shark', which is where that conversation had ended.

I returned to where I was sitting before, slightly annoyed seeing my spot was now cold. I stared out into space wishing I could be home right now. My dad hadn't found out, but I had a small little cove area where I was currently nursing a young Bull Shark back to health. I just really wanted to be anywhere but here right now.

🔱 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚌𝚎𝚊𝚗 🔱 (Gawr Gura x !GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now