Xiao [Something to Say] P.2

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Fluff, fluff~

I've really been in the mood lately for fluff. So here you guys go, haha. I apologise for being so late on my one-shots, I'll keep on going with them before I update in my stories.

Requested by: sanemiismydaddy


"ωну αяє уσυ нєяє?"

The question was a vague one, and for Xiao, the answer was an even harder one to say aloud for the [hair color] haired woman to hear.

She was still standing here in her gown of red一her marriage bound robes that he shamefully imagined her to wear in his dreams, daydreams and night filled ones, just specifically for him as a signature of her thread belonging to him.

[name] frowned. "Xiao."

And, still, silence.

"Find him!" A couple voices yelled right around the corner.

The two's heads perked up as soon as they heard this. He walked towards her but she took a step back from him. Now, the black-green headed man was also frowning.

His mouth opened. "[name]."

"No." She rejected almost immediately once she heard her name. "You barge into my wedding ceremony and just kidnap me out of nowhere; I believe I deserve some sort of explanation, at least."

He stopped in his tracks, casting his eyes back to the ground.

Her heart fell heavily at this.

He was doing this again. Why couldn't he just tell her the truth?

"Xiao, can't you just tell me?"



Meanwhile, from a nearing distance: "This way! Surely, they have to be here somewhere!"

Back again, those same voices before interrupted their conversation一well, [name]'s own conversation with the air, considering how Xiao wasn't exactly responding to her like she hoped he would.

In a rush, while she was distracted, he leaped forward picking her up bridal style. She pounded his chest as a means of throwing a fit, to which was ignored quite blatantly. Suddenly, his feet pressed hard onto the ground, implementing him right before he took a spree. A loud squeal erupted from her throat when he leaped high into the air.

Her eyes shut tightly feeling only the night wind course through her hair. The hair ornaments had become a bit loose since the leap had transversed at a breakneck speed.

Left without a choice, [name] wrapped her arms tightly around him. "Not so fast!" But when did the Adepti ever listen to her?

Eventually, he landed somewhere far out from Liyue Harbor. Considering their surroundings, she was guessing that they were currently standing in Dihua Marsh.

[name]'s head swirled between one thought to the next. She didn't know how she was supposed to feel: what if the man she was engaged to does something impulsive? If not him, then maybe his family. It wasn't just them that she was worried about一her parents as well were another load of chaos to deal with, especially since their servants were trying to chase them down around the city.

Xiao, who could almost instinctively read what was on her mind, crossed an arm over the other. "You're overthinking things."

Her cheeks huffed. "Who's fault do you think that is?"

The male rolled his eyes in means of sarcasm, crossing an arm over the other. "I saved you from an engagement you didn't want."

"And, how would you know that I wouldn't have wanted to be married to him?"

He opened his mouth ready to argue back when it closed shut a couple seconds later, his mind searing the answer painfully in that head of his.

'Because, you like me, don't you?'

At least, he think she did...

He didn't really know why he felt so unsure all of a sudden. Her face was so serious. Was he wrong? Maybe Goldet was wrong, after all...

"For the last time, just answer me, please. I'm begging you." She desperately demanded out of him. The silence that answered her back, was enough to drive her over the edge of patience. "Fine... I'll leave then."

She turned around briefly, only to stop in tracks when her wrist was pulled by none other than Xiao.

"Let go."

[name] stopped in her tracks, her [eye color] eyes turning wide as she stared into his eyes.

There was something particular she caught in them一something that she knew she was apart of and possibly caused.

It was heartbreak.

It reflected wide across his face, growing still as the moonlight doubled across it. [name]'s heart fell over seeing it.

He was holding onto her with a tight grip, seeming afraid to let her go. Seeming afraid, that once he did, she would disappear or vanish in front of his two eyes.

It was in that moment that she finally knew the truth for the first time.

[name]'s lips wavered, asking him aloud. "What was that something that you wanted to say?"

His eyebrows stitched together in frustration, cheeks turning red when he realized that she knew the answer as clear as he did. "Isn't it obvious?一 "

"I want to hear it."

"No一 "

"Please?" She pleaded, her eyes were growing warm, tears brimming in the corners of them. "I need to hear for myself, so please."

Hearing her beg for this, Xiao's hesitation lightened by a measure.

He spoke up, in a low tone, voice shaking. "That something to say... I..." He paused. "You can't get married, because I love you."

Xiao watched the way more tears fell down her cheeks, dropping on both sides. In his panic, he hurriedly raised his hands brushing his thumbs over her cheeks to rid of her tears that kept on falling.

"Why do you keep on crying?" Xiao frowned.

"I- I'm sorry." She apologized. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

"I'm sorry..!" [name] let out a cry, her hands holding onto the edge of his hands. "I was trying to prepare myself for this, but after you said it, I didn't know how to take it."

His eyes softened. "Dummy."

"Sorry." She whispered.

Xiao sighed again, another time that night, but this time, with a sense of contentment. "[name]." She looked up teary-eyed at him. "Are you still going to get married..?"

[name] answered him slowly. "Of course, I will."

He grew silent at her words.

"If you're willing to make me your bride..."

Xiao wanted to scold her, but found himself laughing all of a sudden. She blushed, as she really didn't often hear anything more other than an annoyed tone.

Xiao leaned in kissing her on the lips. It was light and sweet, something she expected even less from the passionately quiet man.

Her heart fluttered, watching him sink onto his knees holding both of her hands.

"Marriage is a little early, but will you allow me to be by your side even after we do get married?"

[name] smiled brightly at him. "Of course."

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