1 l Titan

431 8 32

Tobio Kageyama of Karasuno High school just couldn't fathom what he did wrong to Kei Tsukishima. He knew he was unapproachable and sometimes blunt, but he lacked the social skills. And Tsukishima just didn't seem to be able to understand. The cool attitude and snarky remarks almost made Tobio feel as if Tsukishima hated him. However, this didn't seem to be the case. Tsukishima was part of the reasons both he and Shouyo Hinata made it to Tokyo's Volleyball Training Camp. He was their middle blocker, their first wall of defense. And as Kageyama liked to call him, their friend and teammate. He had almost embraced the other first-year when he blocked one of Shiratorizawa's Ace's spikes but held himself back when both Yuu Nishinoya—their libero—and Ryunosuke Tanaka—their wing spiker—both got nearly thrown across the court when they embraced the tall middle blocker. And at the end of it all, they won. They beat Shiratorizawa, surprising not only them but most of the people in the crowd, much to Tobio's amusement. The award ceremony, as much as it made him tingle with excitement, dragged on and he was nearly falling asleep as they ate afterwords. The walk home almost ended up with him on Hinata's back, but held himself back. As both Tsukishima and his friend, Tadashi Yamaguchi branched off, Tobio found himself watching the blond walk away, his heart—oddly enough—aching. He gave Hinata a clap on the back before heading down his own street, caught up in his thoughts. We won. We won against Oikawa's enemies. We won against Wakatoshi. Stepping inside his home, he kicked off his shoes, trudging down the hallway. His bag landed against the floor almost as soon as he hit the mattress, and with one breath, he was out. 



Stardust, in you and in me.

"Abnormal to the right!" Black flares streamed through the fog, alerting the soldiers. Tobio Kageyama yanked his hood up further, ducking down to avoid the rain pattering violently on his face. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the reigns tighter. The sheer terror of being in the rain with the threat of man-eating giants crawled up his spine. He had been on plenty of missions, sure, however, this was different. They were completely blind to any attacks. The air smelt of rain and smoke, the colors of the flares drifting through the clouds.

"Tobio!" He jumped, one hand going to his blade. His face softened at a familiar face, hopping down from a fallen Titan.

"Kei," he breathed. "You're okay." The blond rolled his eyes as if to say, 'yeah, didja really think I could get taken down that easy?" Tobio shrugged at this.

"You know I have every right to be terrified." He pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah." Kei muttered, dropping his ruined blades to the ground. "Now, help me up, you buffoon. I think my horse got taken out and no extras are coming to my call." Tobio held out an offering hand.

Fuse us, into unity.

The area around them shook, signaling one thing. "Blades ready." Tobio swallowed visibly, his hand gripping the trigger to his ODM gear.

The forest exploded.

An Abnormal on all fours burst from the trees, mouth hanging open. Kei's face whitened when he saw a familiar face, hanging from its teeth. "Tadashi...?" Tobio pushed himself off of his horse, hauling Kei up with him.

"GO!" He clenched his fingers, propelling him through the air. The Abnormal seemed to watch him in the corner of its eye, but didn't go after him as it zeroed in on the unmoving Kei, who had perched himself on the edge of the tree. "Kei, go!" His voice carried through the smog, but it seemed as if Kei could not hear him, world around him going dark at the sight of his lifeless friend.

Primeval, we're coupled from the universe.

The Abnormal, as if sensing that Kei wasn't going to move, started lumbering towards the tree. Its eyes flicked up at the sight of a dark blur coming towards him and it swatted its hand lazily, watching as Tobio crashed against the tree, blood smearing across the bark. Kei blinked, the pained yell seemingly clearing his head. His golden gaze slid over to the tree and his stomach dropped. Tobio, who had been thrown like a rag-doll, pushed himself up, blood streaming from his mouth. The Abnormal still lumbered towards him. And yet...

We're coupled, born from the universe.

The sudden realization of, we're going to die, hit Kei like a punch to the gut. What did he have to live for anyway? Tadashi was dead, and Tobio was on the brink of death. Death seemed like a gift from the gods. Its hand reached out, fingers covered with mud and blood. Kei didn't move.


Kei went flying as a shoulder jerked into his, hand grabbing his own trigger. He felt himself get jerked backwards, and watched with wide eyes as Tobio replaced himself in his place, his blue eyes finding Kei's.

He smiled.

The void is calling.


Don't fear, for futures and dreams.

Its jaw snapped down.

They're fleeting, retreating.

The uniformed body landed on the ground, thudding sickeningly.

It's okay. I promise. 


A/N: Why hello there~

Welcome to my newest story. Which, as you can see, has a reference to Attack on Titan. 

Woohoo! Angst!

Also, as you can see, it's gon' be a KageTsuki ship which I've seen a lot of hate for. 

bUt YaMaGuChI bEloNgS wItH tSuKiShImA

hInAtA's CrYiNg

Welcome to multishipping my main man

I hope y'all enjoy at least. 

W/ <3


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