4 l Rain

147 7 16

At night, the earth will rise,

Tobio felt his stomach drop. The room around him was dark, rain pattering softly on his window. Kei's my...His hand immediately grappled for the lamp, yanking his shirt up. He felt his heart jump when he saw no black and white moon on his abdomen, instead a light coloring of stars, and pale, almost invisible crescent. That wasn't a dream...It was a memo—

And I'll think of you each time I watch from distant skies.

Tsukishima groaned as the Jurassic Park theme blared a foot away from him, his phone lighting up.

"What time is—?" His face paled at the caller and yet..."What?" He asked, voice still gravelly from sleep. His next remark died in his throat when he heard hard breathing and rain pouring. "What do you want Kageyama?" He asked once more.

"Kei...?" His heart nearly stopped. "It is you, right? Please, it—it's me!" Kei's head dropped. No. Not again. Not when he has so much to live for.

"Please do not call again, King." He snapped, finger hovering over the end call.

"Kei—Wait! Look at your mark!" Tsukishima rolled his eyes, rolling out of bed before padding into the bathroom. 

He froze. "It's gone, isn't it?

Whenever the stars go down and galaxies ignite,

"Yeah..." He whispered. "It is..." He heard Kageyama sigh in relief.

I'll think of you each time they wash me in their light.

"Please," he begged. "Find me one more time, my soulmate."

and fall in love with you again.

The rain around Kageyama swirled, his bare feet slapping against the wet sidewalk. Memories drifted around him, and he saw his younger self, laughing with a blond boy. He saw himself throwing Kei out of harms way. He saw them laughing in a field. The rain mixed with tears, and he sped up. So close, and yet, so far. He saw a tall figure through it all and his heart skipped.

I will find you again.

The blond sped up pushing through the storm.

A thousand armies won't stop me, I'll break through.

The two crashed together, and felt as if everything had been completed. 

I'll soar the endless skies for only one sight of your starlight. 



So, that brings the end of my short story. Every once in awhile, I listen to old music and Starlight was one of them and I can be inspired by the randomest things so here we are. I hope the setup wasn't too weird, and I also hope I used the lyrics properly. 

Anywho, I hope y'all enjoyed. I kinda went nuts with it, so I apologize for any mistakes, and if you have any constructive criticism, please comment! It really helps me as a writer. 

But, as an ending not, thank you for reading, and I'll see you next time~!


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