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I laid their and just stared at the ceiling. I wasn't sure what was even happening. I don't want to get attached just to go back home and get sad again. She killed me.

I slid my arm out from under her head without waking her and I swung my legs over the bed. I walked out of her room and made my way to the living room. Jess and Bryce were asleep in the guest room and Josh was on one side of the couch

I decided to lay down on the love seat and try to get some sleep.

2:42 am

No luck, no sleep and no girl. She says that it's not to late but how can I trust her.

I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that she doesn't need me anymore. I'll respect that, no matter how much I need her.

I stood up and walked toward her room. Truth is I've slept horrible these past months. She's my rock. It helps when I'm next to her. I pulled the blanket up and laid in next to her. I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her into my chest

She turned in my arms to face me and I turned on my back so she could get comfy. She was basically on top of me

I heard her door creak open and I immediately held onto her tightly and waited for someone to enter. I just watched the door open a little wider but nothing was there.

I heard the bed shuffle so I looked to see if it was Jay moving her feet and a small head appeared at the end of the bed. A puppy head

Who's dog is this?

The pup jumped up and ran over to me and started sniffing me and jay until she shook and nuzzled her head under my second arm and plopped down

Okay then?

I looked at her tag and it read 'Nala' and I felt myself melt. She remembered. There was a phone number. The number was Jay's. Wow I didn't know she got a dog.

So now I have two beautiful girls laying on me


I felt my body stretch out as I opened my eyes. He stayed with me. His hair was a fluffy mess and...wait? Nala?

Nala was placed cuddling into his chest underneath his arm. What a traitor! At least she approves right!

I laid my head back down on his chest and traced shapes with my index finger. Over our loss of connection he got more tattoos. His arm was almost a full sleeve and the mountains on his neck were so hot.

His hands were dressed up in rings making me think dirty thoughts. Although I haven't done anything since that night. Not even with myself.

I felt him shuffle underneath me so I looked at him waiting for his eyes to open

"Good morning darling" he spoke and opened his eyes

Fuckk did I miss his raspy morning voice. He kissed my forehead lightly making butterflies erupt

"So you got a dog" he said petting her head as she slept

"I did yeah," I spoke back to him

"Her names beautiful" he commented

"Yeah" I smiled to myself

"What are we doing?" He asked me sitting up Nala yawned loudly and moved to the edge of the bed

"Listen Jaden" I started but he cut me off

"I know what your going to say. Why all of the sudden do you not think it's to late? As soon as I come to you it's different. But what if I had never come! Would you had come back with Josh?" He explained

I decided to take a big step for myself. I stood up from the bed and walked to the side Jaden was on

"What are you doing?" He asked me confused

I placed my thumbs on the inside of my legging waistline and stripped them down my legs

"Stop" he said placing his hand on mine

I shook my head and placed his hand over my tattoo. I turned to the side so he could see it.

His eyes were full of sympathy

"This is a beautiful piece" he complimented running his finger over it

I winced slightly as he ran over some of the scare tissue.

"You are beautiful. You didn't deserve what happened! Trust me on that" he whispered placing his hands on my hips and pulling me to him. I straddled his lap and buried my head into his shoulder

"You deserve the world, and I was t able to give that to you then. But I'm ready now! I want to do this with you" I whispered in his ear

"Promise me something" he said looking at me in the eyes and I nodded

"No running" he said sternly yes his eyes were so sympathetic

"No running." I confirmed with a smile

"We would try a little walking though" he laughed at our old joke

I giggled and held him tightly. I'm not losing this boy again

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