Chapter 9: A Stranger in the Night

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(Hiya, back to Cole again.)

I wasn't looking forward to the next day, to be completely honest. Once we got back home, if time is the same here, then I figured our parents would be super concerned. Or maybe perhaps they knew we went in, and now they're just waiting to ground us or something. It was too much for me to worry about, I just wanted to enjoy as much of this world as I could, which is why I completely forgot that we had to get back to the door-portal-thingy. I wondered if it had moved, if the island fell to the ocean because the Master Emerald was taken, would that have caused the door to move or shift? And then there was the deal with my jacket. My favorite jacket. I had taken it off at the stadium in hopes it would help me run faster without it, but it made little difference, and now I had forgotten it there. It was all just a little too much to worry about, so I understandably had some trouble sleeping. That, and Tails working on his plane wasn't very quiet. Not to mention the fact I had horrible dreams. Almost nightmare level bad. I dreamt that I was just going savage on all of Robotnik's robots, just completely brutalizing and slicing them apart, and when I eventually got to Robotnik, I killed him.

However despite all that, I ended up getting a good amount of sleep. Until about halfway through the night, I heard footsteps near my sleeping bag. It was concrete ground and the steps sounded like sneakers. I was thinking it could be Sonic, but the steps were too slow to be him, and it sounded like someone was trying to sneak around (and failing). I started slowly waking up, but I felt a yawn come out, which must have disturbed whoever it was, because I heard them turn tail and run off, waking me up completely. I quickly got up out of my sleeping bag, and slipped on my shoes, tiptoed out so I didn't wake anyone, and went after whoever chose to intrude on my sleep. 

Outside of the workshop, I noticed a forest nearby, and at one of the nearest trees I saw a dark figure with long hair, peeking from the side of the tree. The figure ran away as soon as it noticed me, and I started chasing it through the forest. As I was chasing them, I heard a girlish giggle coming from them. I almost tripped on plants and roots a few times. The forest was quite cramped and the trees were kinda close together, so I couldn't run any faster without running into a tree like some cartoon. I also just about lost sight of her at one point, but to be fair, this forest was new to me.

When I finally caught up to her, she was waiting in the shade. In between us was a stretch of ground covered in moonlight in between the trees. I stepped in the moonlight, and she was matching my movements, maybe she thought it was romantic or something, at the time I just thought it was kinda creepy. As soon as she stepped in the light, I fully realized it was definitely who I thought it was. It was the waitress dog-girl from the café.

Her golden yellow eyes shone in the moonlight, like a golden ring that Sonic would collect

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Her golden yellow eyes shone in the moonlight, like a golden ring that Sonic would collect. I slowly walked towards her, and she continued to match my steps, until there was a about six feet between us and I stopped. She continued walking towards me with curious eyes. She was about half a foot shorter than me, her head went just up to my shoulders. She started circling me, as if she was studying me for some reason. "What are you doing?" I asked, but got no response. She just kept circling me. I noticed that now she was out of uniform, her hair was messier than before. I eventually got sick of her studying me when she started sniffing me. I jumped back and asked "What do you want from me?"

Cole The Hedgehog: A New Adventure (A Self-insert Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now