Kokichi's secret

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TW: eating disorders, self harm

Kaede: who's ready for another great day at school!

Tsumugi: I am! (⌒▽⌒)

Kokichi: I'm dead

Kokichi: I mean I am

Shuichi: wtf kokichi


Maki: yes dumbass

Kokichi: hey that's my line (c" ತ,_ತ)

Maki: idc

Kokichi: ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

Rantaro: has anyone been getting terrible headaches at the back of there head recently?

Shuichi: no?

Rantaro: fucking shotput ball all over again smh

Rantaro has gone offline.


Kokichi has gone offline.

Kaede: come on guys let's go get ready for school!

Shuichi: ok.

Tsumugi: yeah let's do that.

Kaede and three others have gone offline

Shuichi's POV

I walked into school feeling drained. I hadn't had food in awhile but I could lose a few pounds right?

I decided to ignore the pain and continue on with my day, after all I would have to get use to this.

I walked into the school gates and immediately went to look for Kokichi. I feel like I need to protect him from outside dangers...for some reason.
I couldn't find him in the halls so I assumed he was in the classroom already.

I speedwalked there feeling like Kokichi was the only highlight of my day. I opened the classroom and immediately spotting him in the corner of the class starting out the window.

I expecting him to be happy or smiling but instead he sat there with an expressionless face, almost dead. His eyes had no shine and he wasn't smiling just one bit. It looked like he had died in his spot.

That was only for about two seconds since once he spotted me he went back to his "usual" self. I'll have to think about this later.

I decided I should probably sit next to him to keep and eye on him.

Kokichi grinned at me. "How are you today Saihara-Chan!" He said with excitement that definetly sounded fake.
Kokichi noticed this and cleared his throat. "O-oh I'm ok..." I said quietly.

He nodded and looked back outside the window. Well that was a quick conversation.

I decided to take out my small notebook and write things I've noticed about Kokichi.

I barely even noticed 10 minutes had passed and class had started. I put my notebook away and got out my books.

I then patiently awaited the bell to ring signifying lunch.

Thankfully after 2 hours it rang.

Everyone quickly rushed to get there stuff and head to the lunch room. I did the same and followed them out there.

I noticed Kokichi sliding something shiny into his pocket.

W-was that what I think it was?!

I decided I would go follow him. He definitely wasn't going to the lunchroom with the others.

I hid behind the doors and watched him look around the hallway. Once he saw there was no one in sight he quickly ran up the stairs. I got out of my hiding position and went to find him.

I finnaly caught up to him and saw him enter the "abandoned" bathroom. Everyone says it's abandoned since no one uses it anymore.

Kokichi ran inside one of the stalls and locked it. I followed him inside the bathroom and hid in the small area in between the wall and the stall's walls.

I could hear crying.

I couldn't take it anymore, I went up to his stall and called for him.

"Kokichi?!" I said kind of frantically.

"H-huh Shuichi?" He said gasping.

"P-please can y-you open this stall?!"

There was no answer. "Kokichi I know you can hear me, please can you open this door if you won't I will!" I said trying to act as confident as possible. I was actially really scared.

"I- I can't I'm s-sorry." He said his voice cracking up with tears.
"K-Kokichi please I just want to help..."

I then heard the door unlock.

Kokichi opened the door and I stood there in shock at the sight.

Kokichi was holding a bloody razor, his arms full of scars that have recently been done, he had managed to wrap one arm in bandages but has failed in the other.

I grabbed his arms and then bandages and wrapped his other arm, trying to keep the tears that were threatening to spill in my eyes. "W-why would you do this Kokichi..." I asked failing at keeping in my emotions. "I'm sorry..." he said quietly. I nodded, I couldn't really expect a full fledged answer from him at the moment.
"Why are you with m-me you should be w-with eating with your real f-freinds!" He said all of a sudden. "I don't need to eat Kokichi, your more important." I whispered. His eyes widened. He immediately went to hug me.

"Thank you Shuichi."

I smiled and petted his hair.

While I was doing that I noticed a few odd things.

Strands of white were starting to appear in his hair...

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