Midnight Confessions

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Trigger warning ⚠️

Shuichi's POV

It was about midnight at this point. For some reason and I don't know how. Everyone was asleep in their sleeping bags. After the game I had developed insomnia so I find it extremely difficult to sleep.

I rolled around in my sleeping bag only to be met with a smiling Kokichi. My eyes widened but I kept quiet. "Can't sleep Shuichi?" He whispered sitting up. I sat up and sighed. "Yeah..."
He stood up and gestured me to follow him. Which I complied to. I stood up and followed him out of the room, making sure not to make any sound and wake them up.

Kokichi led me into the bathroom. It was as big as my room which was pretty big.
He looked up at me. "Why couldn't you sleep Shuichi?" He said slightly louder since when we were in the room.
"Insomnia." I said looking down at him. He nodded, frowning. "I have that too..."
I looked at him sadly. "Did it happen after the game?" I asked. He nodded.

We stood there in a silence for a bit before I spoke up. "Are you still doing-."
"Yeah." He replied positioning his arms behind his back. "Is it ok if I...look? I just want to see if there not infected..." I said grabbing his arm and gently bringing them back out. He looked away and nodded. I rolled up his sleeves and slowly unwrapped his bandages. Thankfully none of them are were infected. They looked...rather new. It seemed he had been doing them everyday almost as if it were a hobby.

"Kokichi why do you do this?"

"I don't know."

"Is it because you want to feel something other then emptiness." I said slowly.

His head swung around in shock and stared at me with scared eyes.
So that's what it is then...

"I think that's it, but...I don't know if you've noticed but I've been doing less than normal...I normally go for around ten or 15 in a day but lately I've only been doing around 5."

"Why is that..."

"Because I've been feeling something when I'm with you, that's not emptyness or pain."

Could he be?

Does he...

No it could be something completely different but...you never know I guess.

"What is your feeling with me."

"My heart rate increases and I find it more difficult to speak or keep my mask up."


No way...

"Kokichi...could you look at me for a second." I said trying to hide the overwhelming joy I was feeling at that moment.
He looked at me and stared into my eyes,

And for once I stared back.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a short kiss.

But he didn't kiss back.

I could only think of two possibilities.

1. He didn't actually like me

2. He's stunned.

I pulled away and hid my face. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that." I said, regaining my stutter.



"Can you...do that again?"


"I want you to kiss me again."


"Because I actually felt something when you did."

I stared at him and grabbed his hand again. He jumped up and I caught him passionately kissing him.

He kissed back this time.

After a few seconds we pulled away.
He set him down. "W-was that good enough?" I said fidgeting with my fingers.

He smiled but there was something different about this smile. It seemed brighter.

"Kokichi I think I-."

He cut me off.

"I love you too."

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