"I love you guys."

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Everyone runs up to Rachel and hugs her tight. Rachel looks around and everyone was crying or where about to cry.

"I love you guys. Even though some of you I haven't got along with great." She looks over at Santana and Quinn, who look guilty with tears forming in there eyes. "But you guys helped make me a better person, you guys are like family to me." Rachel says with tears running down her face.

"Can I give you guys individual hugs. "Of course." Brittany said. Rachel walks over to Mr. Shue and gives him a big hug. "You can get through this, your strong." He whispers.

Next was Artie, Rachel bend down to hug him. Then it was Kurt and Blaine, She hugged them super tight.

I don't want to let go. Rachel thought.

Then she walked over to Mecades and gave her a big hug and Rachel starts to cry even more then she thought was possible. Then she gave Sam, Puck, Tina, Mike, Quinn and Brittany hugs.

Rachel makes her way over to Santana and saw tears falling down her face. "Wow, I didn't expect you to cry." she says laughing quietly. Santana just forces a smile and hugs Rachel.

The last person was Finn, Rachel got on her tippy toes and hugged him tightly. Before letting go she kisses his cheek lightly. As soon as she did she realized everyone else was still there, she was hoping Quinn hasn't seen her kiss him.

After Glee club Rachel walks over to her locker and opens it were she finds a note with her name on it. She slowly opens it up.

Meet me in the Auditorium

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