Quinn and Rachel

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Santana walks into school and sees Rachel and Finn holding hands. She walks over to Quinn who's at her locker getting her stuff ready for class. When Santana tells her whats going on Quinn walks over to Rachel and slaps her right in the face.

Quinn quickly looks around and sees that everyone's looking at her. She then runs to the bathroom.

Rachel grabs her face and starts to cry while Finn holds her. "Are you okay? We need to get you to the nurse"He says while wiping her tears from her face. "No, I'm okay." He then kisses her and grabs her hand and They walk to the choir room for morning glee practice .

"Do you think Rachel will be ok?" Brittany asks. "Yeah I think she'll be okay. At least I hope she'll be." Mercades says. Mercedes then points at Finn and Rachel as they walk in. Finn then grabs Rachel's waist and pulls her closer " Woah, Are they together now?" Kurt asks. "I think so." Mercedes replys. "How dare she not tell me. I'm her best friend."Kurt says. Once Gonna be Rachel find a spot to sit Rachel sets her head on Finns shoulder because she's really tired.

Mr. Shue walks in to see everyone in there seats. He looks up at Rachel and she looks really pale. "Rachel, are you ok? You look kind of pale." He asks.

"Not really." She replied .

"Can you tell me what's wrong." He asks.

" Well I was at my locker with Finn when Quinn just came over an-" She stops as soon as Quinn walks in. 

"Rachel, Can I talk to you in the Hallway" Quinn asks looking straight at her. Rachel walks up to her and they walk outside the choir room.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just upset about the break up and I took it out on you." Quinn says with tears falling down her face.

Rachel just hugs her. She could see that she meant her apology. "I don't want to waist my time fighting with anyone. I love everyone in that choir room. So can we just be friends?" Rachel asks. Quinn looks really surprised. She then hugs Rachel again but more tightly this time. After they walk back into the choir room together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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