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Inside Draco Malfoy's Phone.

Pansy P💛

Pansy. Natalie's party is tomorrow
and you need to keep her out of the
common room so we can decorate.

Pansy P💛:
How the heck am I gonna
manage that?

Take her to Hogsmede.

Pansy P💛:
Fine i'll take her to Hogsmede
and say that we are going on
a shopping spree okay?

Perfect. The rest of us will
get set up inside the common room.

Pansy P💛:

Pansy P💛:
Hey Draco...


Pansy P💛:
Shes going to love this.
Shes lucky to have someone
like you.

Pansy P💛:
Shes really changed you.

Natalie T❤️

Ayee are you excited for your
birthday tomorrow??

Natalie T❤️:
Uhh kinda? I'm not doing
anything so its going to
be boring. Pansy's taking me
on a shopping spree tho.

Lol maybe something will happen.
We could do something together.

Natalie T❤️:
Oof maybe. Doubt tho.
Yeah lets hang out.

I'll see you when you get
back from your shopping spree.
It will be fun, I promise.

Natalie T❤️:
I look forward to it.

Hey guys, I want to actually explain what
happens at the party. So the rest of this chapter is going to be in a different format.
Okay thankyouu <3

The next day, Natalie approached the Slytherin common room after a long day of shopping at Hogsmede. Her legs had been aching for hours but Pansy insisted they kept visiting each store.

Their arms were holding up many bags and they struggled to carry them down to the dungeons. Natalie was ready to collapse onto the couch and sleep.

"Today was fun. Thank you." Natalie smiled, while turning back to the door to repeat the password.

Natalie turned to face the door when she was bombarded by all her Slytherin peers screaming "Happy Birthday" at her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shouted.

She dropped her bags and went down to hug everyone. She turned to face Pansy, who was grinning proudly.
"Did you do all of this?" Natalie asked, impressed.
"Sorta. It was actually Draco." Pansy replied quietly.

Natalie couldn't believe all of this and searched through the crowd to go and find him. Her eyes darted between the different people, eventually landing on Draco, who was standing by the buffet table. He leaned against the wall, his hand in his pocket, the other on his red cup. He seemed to be monitering the party, rather than actually enjoying it himself.

He saw Natalie approaching him and smirked, causing her legs to tremble in adrenaline. Casually, she strode towards him, trying to hide the blush that made its way onto her face.
If she acted confident, maybe she would actually feel it.

"Wow Draco. I can't believe you did this."

"I didn't do anything." He joked, sarcastically.
Natalie nudged his arm playfully, while admiring the beautiful party, decorated in her favourite colour scheme, violet and silver.

All of this, just for her?

"Seriously Draco. Thank you so much for all of this." Natalie said a little more solemnly.
"I'm glad you like it."
"Like it? I love it! This explains why Pansy was being so weird this week." Natalie exclaimed.

Eventually Natalie went around, visiting each person to thank them for coming.
She felt warm and worry-free, being here with her closest friends. She noticed Draco occasionally glance in her direction. He barely moved all night, hardly speaking to anyone.
Natalie danced around, forgetting about how tired she was earlier.

Pansy strode towards Draco, who still stayed put in the same area. She was quite bouncy, perhaps from the sugar high.

"DRACOOO." She yelled excitedly, gripping onto his arm, as if she was going to tumble over.

"Hey Pansy." He laughed. Who knew someone could be this bouncy off of sugar?

"This was an amazing idea. She LOVES it."
Pansy continued, hazily observing the party.
"Well I would have done anything for her." Draco admitted shyly. He assumed that she just wouldn't remember any of this in the morning.

Pansy's face drastically dropped and she gazed into his eyes. The sweet smell of her sugary breath became very apparent, as she emerged closer to him, a little too close for his liking.

"You actually like her?" Pansy whispered.
It had become very obvious that perhaps "sugar" wasn't the only thing that Pansy had consumed during this party.
"Errr...maybe?" Draco muttered, avoiding her gaze, desperately searching for Natalie with his worried eyes.

Pansy stepped back, slowly coming back to her senses.
"Interesting." She mumbled, walking back into the crowd and out of sight.

Oh shit. She is definitely telling Natalie about this. Natalie is going to be so freaked out.

Natalie didn't mention anything about Draco and Pansy's encounter so Draco forgot about it.  Maybe Pansy didn't say anything to Natlie.

As the night progressed, Pansy had been acting slightly different and more depressed. Draco just assumed it was because of the sugar crash and that slowly but surely, everything would return back to normal.

Pansy was slumped in a chair, close to Draco, also observing the party. She wasn't close enough to speak to him, but he noticed the overcoming sadness spreading across her face which she tried to hide.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, sympathetically.
"Nothing." She mumbled.
"Come on Pansy, tell me."
"I don't know. I guess its just..." Her voice trailed off, as she watched Natalie dance amongst her other friends.

"Sometimes I wish I was as popular as her. She gets the grades, the friends, the guy-" She muttered.
"The guy? Shes seeing someone?"
"You're the guy, you twat." Pansy spat, burying her hands in her face.
"What do you mean?" Draco questioned curiously, genuinely confused.
"I think I might have like...you." Pansy muttered.

Draco didn't know how to react to that. He had no feelings for Pansy whatsoever.

"Look I'm sorr-"
"Draco, I know you like Natalie. Everyone knows it. I'm nothing but her best friend." She interrupted, quickly wiped a tear that was forming in her eye.

Dramatic much..

Pansy then quickly got up from her chair and walked upstairs to her dormitory. Nobody seemed to notice her disappearance. Draco wasn't allowed up in the girls dormitories so he stayed down at the party, feeling bad that he couldn't check on her.

Everyone knew he liked Natalie? What would she think of that? Was Pansy insinuating that Natalie also liked him too?

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