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Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus and Clymene of Arcadia. She was a swift footed huntress that even men could not best. However, as she was the most beautiful in the land, men would still chase. Determined to stay a maiden forever, Atalanta would run, and none were able to catch her...

--Greek Mythology


On her first day of class at Eden College, Atalanta Evans ran seven miles. She was up before dawn, as she was on most mornings, sprinting until the sunrise painted her skin golden and the sky blued with greeting.

She sat beside the track, her legs quivering. She loved that post-run feeling of absolute nothingness. Just resting on the ground, with only the sound of her racing heartbeat filling her ears. The numbness of her limbs, the thrum of her fading adrenaline. All of her problems were far, far away, way back where she left them at the start of her race.

But that moment of peace was brief, as it usually was. Eventually, her thoughts would trickle back in, or the breeze would bring her the chatter of morning chaos. Today, it was the ringing of her phone that dragged her out of her trance.

She answered to find her aunt's smiling face on the screen. "Hey!" Heidi exclaimed. Her skin was smooth and her hair was freshly brushed, whereas in the small corner screen, Atalanta was red and sweaty.

Atalanta managed a smile. She was tired, but she loved her aunt more than anyone on the planet. "Good morning."

"I was calling to ask if you were ready for class," Heidi joked, "but I would hope you're not going looking like that."

At this, Atalanta's smile came easier. She shook her head bashfully. "I just got finished with a run. My first class isn't until nine."

"Are you ready for it?"

Atalanta nodded as she took a swig from her water bottle. "Yes," she answered. "Basic level art class. It's the other stuff I'm worried about."

Heidi gave a shrug. "Well, I could assume as much since you haven't been in school for two years," she said. "Good thing Eden gave you a track scholarship. Then you would be stuck here with little ol' me."

Atalanta hugged herself uncomfortably. She didn't like when Heidi made comments like that, because obviously Atalanta loved her aunt and missed her. But she wanted more for herself than a small farm life; all her family knew was apples, and Atalanta wanted to know more.

And Heidi was the only one who understood this want. She was Atalanta's number one supporter always. But even still, Atalanta felt guilty any time the topic was brought up.

"So do you have any core subjects today?" Heidi asked.

"One this afternoon," Atalanta said, and she internally groaned at the thought of it. "Greek history. Seemed the easiest way to fill that requirement, except I have Professor Pattinson."

Heidi narrowed her eyebrows in an ominous way. "Oh god. Not Professor Pattinson!"

Atalanta rolled her eyes. This was not a joking matter. "Several upperclassmen have told me that this man is absolute hell. Apparently he's supposed to be brilliant but completely chaotic and rude. Said he's only teaching here because of a scandal that got him fired at his last University."

Heidi shook her head in a dazed way. "Wow," she said. "So, he's perfect is what you're telling me?"

Again, Atalanta didn't laugh. This course was supposed to be an easy A, but now? "I will fail," she insisted miserably. "Even if the course material is easy... I don't know. I've never had a teacher not like me before."

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