Suga-Dates of Murder

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I laughed.
"Yeah really."
He laughed along with me.
So it turns out that my sister set me up on a date with her work buddy.
"Oh my god I can't believe Aubrey didn't tell me that."
"Well she was too embarrassed."
He said leaning in his chair.
"Wow Yoongi you are so funny."
I laugh along.
"Well it's getting late I should probably get you home."
He said looking at his Rolex.
I chuckled.
"It's only eight."
I said.
"I know but I have more plans."
He said standing up. I stood up to.
"Let's go."
He said grabbing my hand and we left the restaurant. We went to his car and he opened it for me. I got in and he got in the drivers seat then we went to my house. We got out laughing at the jokes he's been telling me.
"That was fun."
I said.
He said his voice trailing off a little.
"What's wrong?"
I asked.
"It's just that."
He took both my hands.
"I know we've only met today but I'm already feeling things for you."
He said. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"So please just take a chance with me Y/N."
He said. He was serious.
I said.
"Please Y/N. I was gonna tell you at the restaurant. That's when I knew there was something real between us."
He said.
"We were meant to be together."
He said lightly grabbing my cheek.
"Take a chance with me."
He said. I sigh and look sown but I look at him and gave him a slight smile.
We burst through the door in each other's arms. His lips were devouring mine. The feeling of his lips felt like heaven. He laid me down in the bed with his lips on mine. He went to my neck and sucked on it.
I breathed out. He then stopped then smirked at me. I was so confused.
"Um Yoongi?"
I asked.
"What are you doing?"
I asked again.
"Marking you mine that's what I'm doing."
He smirked.
"Now your mine."
"What's going on?!"
I asked. Then suddenly we both heard a door creak open. We look and saw the closet door swing open and my dead sister collapsed. I gasp then I look at Yoongi with fear.
"You killed my sister!"
I shout at him. He just smirked.
I tried moving but he pinned my arms down on the bed.
"Now she won't get in the way of us."
He said.
"Get off me! Let me go!"
I screamed and kicked but it was no use. He tightened his grip in my wrists.
"Don't struggle."
He said.
"Now no one can have you."
He smirked against my neck.
"You belong to me."

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