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It was almost midnight and I just got back from a friends house.
I had my headphones on and had a lollipop in my mouth.
I heard movement from behind me.
I took my headphones off and looked around.
I called out but nothing.
I turn around and kept walking til I heard more movement.
"I took off my headphones again and I listen.
I call out again.
I then felt a hand on my mouth.
I scream but it was muffled.
My lollipop fell and so did my headphones.
I look up to see a man with a black cap and had bruises on his lip and some on his face.
He dragged me to an alley.
I struggled to break free but he puts a rag on my mouth.

I woke up tied to a chair.
I gasp and I look around to see I was in a basement.
I called out.
I heard a door open and someone walked in.
"Morning princess."
Said a man voice.
"Who are you and why am I here?!"
I shout.
"I'm your bf sweetheart."
He said as he came into view.
"I don't have a bf."
I said.
"You do know."
He said as he took off his hat.
He ruffled his hair.
"What are you talking about?"
I asked.
"You don't remember me?"
He said with a sad pout.
I said.
"Come on you must remember me."
He said.
I raise an eyebrow and look at him confused.
"It's me! Yoongi! From High School."
My eyes widen.
I remember him.
"Oh my god."
I said making him smirk.
"It's you."
I said and he chuckled.
"You do remember me! I told you that you would."
He said touching my cheek.
"How can I forget the psychopath who killed my best friend!"
I said.
"I had to."
He said.
"Chloe didn't do anything!"
I shout.
He slammed his hand on the head of my chair I was tied to.
"That's what you think!"
He shouted.
"She was poisonings you against me!"
"I barely knew you!"
I shouted.
"You barely knew I existed!"
He shot back at me.
"You barely noticed me."
He said.
"I tried talking to you but you ignored me."
He continued.
"I wanted you to see my feelings for you and see how much I love you."
He sighed.
"Now since your here I finally have the chance to confess."
He stroked my cheek.
"All I want is for you to love me."
He said.
"I know after this and what happened with Chloe you probably hate me."
He said.
"I pity you."
I said tears falling from my eyes when a memory of Yoongi killing Chloe popped up.
"I know I deserve that."
He said.
"Please forgive me!"
He said tears in my eyes.
I stayed quiet.
"You don't want to love me back!?"
He shouted grabbing a knife from his pocket putting it inches away from my face.
"N-No Yoongi I-"
He put it closer to my eye.
"Please please Yoongi-"
"If you don't love me then fine! I'll just kill you like I did with Chloe!"
He shouted about to stab me but stopped when I screamed.
I cried closing my eyes tightly.
I opened them when nothing was happening.
I saw Yoongi smiling at me.
He asked.
"Yes! I do! I do Yoongi!"
I cried.
"I always did but I was to afraid to tell you!"
I cried as he smiled wider.
"I knew you would love me too."
He said as he un tied me.
He pulled me to him and kissed me passionately.
"I knew you would."

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