Difficulties and Challenges part 2

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On the day of going back to school trying to figure out if she should confront him and with the help of two female besties asking them if she should confront him on what people said, but with the aid of gathering up the courage and going talking to him she realized that he might not take this to heart cause he does not care about what people thinks about him.

Feliz: I would like to talk to you and it is important.

Zane: Yeah sure shoot.

Feliz: I know you said we are friends and trying to make our friendship go strong but tell your so called friends or whoever you associate with STOP STRESSING MEH. honestly I am tried of people sending me note and telling me you said we are not friends and you fake friending me.

Zane: Hey, look you need to ignore those people cause they are not worth you time and patience and there not worth mine.

Feliz: Thanks, bye.

Finally in second former she got to sit in the auditorium where there would be big commotions and laughter, while sitting there at the table with her friends and classmates with the girls her bestfriend D'Angelo came over with a snack container and give it to her. She taught it had food in it so she open it instead of throwing it a way she open it and she read the note which had said:

" Feliz ur an ugly piece of shit I hate you were are not friends and I could never be friend with someone like you " - Zane Atwell

Well obviously she would cry about this she burst into tears in front of the group of girls and one of them and got up ran over to the table where Zane had sat and he say her in tears she threw the snack with the paper in it and yelled; " If you don't wanna be friends instead of embarrassing me and so on why did you want to be my friend" running out to the table to where she was one of her friends ask what did you. She did not reply but got up went to the table where D'Angelo was to know and to learn someone give it to him to give it to her. She knew she had made a big mistake and probably the last time Zane would talk to her.

The person who turn her against him was no other than a girl name Angelique Da Santos. Anyway she is not relevant to this story. When school had done she had gather up the courage to go and apologize and explain to him. She was forgiven the became friends again for the second time which lead to besties.

As for more difficulties and challenges they will tend to come along the way and Feliz might not be ready.

Stay tune to the next Chapter who knows if Feliz will still be friends with him or still want him to cooperate in the friendship rather than she going to him all the time to talk.

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