The lost and realization of this Friendship

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Hey Guys please watch the video before getting in the book.

It was in the year of 2019 going to 2020 when Feliz was in 4th form and Zane was in 6th lower sixth and obviously the signs started to show that Feliz was the one who would started the conversation and so one why was sad. She also learnt that he was a bit distant due to reasonable and silly excuses.

So she decided she could not take it anymore that over the amount of times she was besties with him to the amount of times she found out he was fake friending her cause when she call the number she use is her phone number and put that all the way to forward to voicemail including with the land line.

She even got a new sim cause she need to work on a project for her friend's page on YouTube so she use that and taught to herself " why not call him to check up on him since we have not seen each other since the pandemic happened in Guyana.

Zane: Hello, who is this?

Feliz: Hey Zane, It is Feliz, how are you.

Zane: My battery is dying.

Feliz: Ohh, I will call you back tomorrow then how about that.

Zane: Umm....Hello, Hello.

The phone hangs up or more rather he was a rude person all he had to say was he did not wanted to be my friend she talk to her brother who was next to her. She got so angry and she then realized has her like been a fake the entire time, does she really have some fake a** b*t*hes who messed her.

So Feliz change her perspective continue to be the kind person she is but once she found out that the fake friends in her life she didn't care, cause she don't hate them.

She always say this to her self;

"When you hear they talking about you and let them talk cause they get no where in life with it plus what goes around comes around".

Feliz today has learnt to show and manipulate students who want to think about her, but she also had no time to waste on them cause she rather used the wasted time on important things such as CSEC and possible Cape.

The most important in Feliz life today and right this minute is her God, family, friends who appreciate her time and effort, including her class work.😍😎

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