The forgetful person in life

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So basically, as we all know if you have a friend or a bestie whose friendship was since in 2016 to 2020 and you told them your birthday before and you expect a birthday wish or a gift from them. Well let's get into the story. Let's see if Zane remember her birthday or Feliz forgets his.

So basically this was in 2nd form for summer classes to go into 3rd form, Zane and Feliz both went but he didn't not know until she had a task to go and do for a English teacher to gather two boys to come to the library to collect something, well be surprise soon as Feliz hear this boy named Wilmott call Zane and Randy follow Feliz for these books or whatever they had to carry, she ran all the way back to library to Miss and told her, then ran down the stairs, fell down on the steps obviously she hurt her back but no ribcage or nothing was not broken and Zane saw her; what kind of friend laughs at that friend and usually friends help you when fall. Any school started back we had our laughter or agreements and even ignoring each other for a while.

When it is in the month of November the month of Zane's birthday you will establish that Feliz knows his birthday and he was an alarm clock about his birthday. You see Feliz did not really went up to him and remind him about her birthday, she waited patiently for this child remember, but the day passed into hours, hours passed into days, passed into months.

On the day of his birthday he was waiting anxiously for his hug, wishes and birthday gift at the end of the canteen line. Sad part is she did not get him a birthday gift till like the next three days. He was so excited that he couldn't had wait for a her to calm down because she was very proactive with stuff going through her mind so he greeted with a hug. Now let's just say something if anyone ask, she did not ask for the hug, he ask for the hug and knowing that Feliz never hugs a boy in the school due to preying eyes who always threatens her.

Feliz was praying for the day to end but it could not cause she had lawn tennis on the basketball court, which was during the hours of 3pm to 4pm, but Zane was there including her bestie D'Angelo and she wanted sleep so bad, but before tennis she got to talk to D'Angelo for a second and right there and then the coach called her to join everyone to go run around the court after running around the court she went straight into her activity and demonstration gained points by knocking the ball, lawn tennis was done but she played a quick match against the coach but she lost.

At the end of the day she realized that Friends are worth having only if they remember your important dates and not forgetting. And how the treated you.

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