"The List"

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Steven chervin plays -alec

Hi, my name is Piper Rhodes. Im a senior, a writer and one hell of a curious girl. People lable me as "troubled" but im not troubled, a bitch maybe. But I just do what ever I want whenever I want. And no one can change that. Everyone has a secret they dont want anyone to know, I know I do. And no one plans on finding out what it is. But my job as a writer is to figure out what othere people are hiding and expose it. Not a very nice thing considering I have a secret of my own. But remember. . Im a bitch. The question has always scanned throughout my brain the minute I stepped foot as a freshman. 'Why are bad boys, acting like bad boys?' I plan to find that out. I have made a list of all the "bad boys" at my school and each day I talk to them. I cross one boy off my list when ever he is nice to me, because it shows hes weak. I want a guy to have his 'shell' is harder to crack then most. I love a challenge. And once im assigned to a task I dont give it up unless im dying, which hasn't happened before. Nevertheless thats why im a great writer.

I have steps to figuring out to perfect candidate. I'm cocky myself I know im scary attractive, and every guy would love to hook up with me. I actually know boys that were willing to pay me. But im classier than that. Anyways, we were talking about my plan. Since im cocky I dont really need the bullshit from guys about "not being hot enough" the cockier the guy the harder his shell is to crack. And like I said im cocky myself. Who wouldnt want me. Gorgeous straight brown hair that faded just under my shoulder blade, curvy body, nicest ass. Im glad with my body and im confident. I got home from school that day and began to write my list I swear I had about 30 guys on it but something would get in the way forcing me to cross him off it. I needed the perfect guy to dig dirt on. I now have 5 guys on my list from 30.

*next day*

As I began bolting through the halls, people got used to it. They would figure im always late and I dont blame them, I was always comfortable with my life I was never rushing myself into anything. I bolted past a dear friend of mine as was walking straight my head was pointing in the exact opposite direction. I felt a loud clud as I ran Into someone I didnt know. 'You didnt even know who he was?' You are all probably thinking. Well because if I knew him and he knew who i was he wouldnt dare even glancing at me. The reason everyone is terrified of me is because I have a colomn in the newspaper, a very popular one to be exact called by my name, Piper Rhodes. Everyone knew who I was and it was a gossip colomn. You could say they were afraid to be my next subject. Little do they know im already cooking something up for them.

I have about a billion questions running through my hazed mind the next thing I knew I was on the floor with my book bag on the floor with everything gushing out of it. I was furious. "Watch where your going knuckle face." I said in an death tone.

"Ha a cocky one I see, maybe next time you can watch where your going sweet cake" said a boy who looked slightly older and different.

"Not cocky just angry do you know who I am to begin with?"

He took a step closer to me. His peppermint breath and vanilla cologne blew towards me like a cold breeze on a winter day, causing a shiver through my entire body. As he came closer and looked me up, and down. I think he was checking me out. Why wouldn't he of course every other guy seems to do it. He leaned in closer to me and leaned in to my ear as he spoke "by the looks of it, another stuck up cheerleader I've bumped into for the 3rd time today sweet heart." It caused my heart to race and I swear he could hear it beating, its louder then drums.

I slowly looked him in the eye, getting his attention. I gradually brought my attention from his eyes to his lips, as I did the head tilt that dogs do, to show innocence. Then I brought it back to his eyes and leaned in to his ear and said " your mistaken darling, I am not stuck up nor a cheerleader. I am Piper Rhodes. Now if you excuse me darling I have some place to be, sorry to disappoint. " I flashed him a bitchy grin and reached down for my books.

He looked surprised, cute but not the reaction I'd hoped for. He wasnt scared. Any footballer or guy as a matter of a fact would have been terrified. But not him he was different, something I wasnt expecting at all. Instead he grabbed my arm getting me to stand up and put his hands on my waist as he roughly pulled it towards his hips making there no space for me to breathe. He was unbelievably attractive wit cobalt blue eyes that were very gorgeous. I felt my heart race, and my stomach filled with flutters as if I was in middle school, as if my crush has talked to me for the first time. He smirked "ha cute. But that still doesn't explain who you are and why I care?"

I looked surprised, I took my hands gently and placed the ontop of his hand which were still gripped tightly against my waist, and yanked his hands off me. I grabbed the rest of my stuff and whispered "maybe you should care after all."

I walked away.

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