This Feeling isn't Indigestion, but it Bloody Burns the Same

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Part 15

This Feeling isn't Indigestion, but it Bloody Burns the Same

The next morning before Kongpob woke up, I strapped on my apron and started on a real breakfast. As soon as I started humming, I felt like a true domestic. I'm twenty-four, I'm not supposed to feel domestic! Shrugging off the idea, I finished with breakfast which was and omelet, big enough for the both of us, and a few slices of toasts.

 I'm twenty-four, I'm not supposed to feel domestic! Shrugging off the idea, I finished with breakfast which was and omelet, big enough for the both of us, and a few slices of toasts

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"Good morning." 

I turned around and saw him wearing an expensive looking pair of dress pants and equally expensive looking polo. No one dresses like that on the weekend. Correction: I guess the rich-ass Devil did.

 Correction: I guess the rich-ass Devil did

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"Morning. Um, is that what you're going to wear today?" 

He looked down at himself for a moment before looking back at me. "Yes. Is there something wrong with it?" 

I shrugged and set his coffee down next to his plate. "Well not necessarily, but you'll never be able to keep up with me in something like that." No, I am not a rambunctious little kid that can't sit still, but I do like to have fun.

"Then what do you suggest I wear?"

"Something not so expensive. That looks like it may cause more than what I pay for a suit." Which says a hell of a lot about how cheap I am.

"It isn't that expensive." He responded with a cute, patting his shirt.

I tried not to smirk as I took a bit of my toast. He sounded small when he said that.

"Sorry to tell you this, but what you consider not expensive I think is a fortune. Maybe after breakfast you could try for jeans and just a t-shirt." I've yet to see him in a simple non-designer t-shirt. Except for his pajamas, of course. Those damn silky pajamas...

He said nothing for a while as he continued to eat, until..."How is it that you're so cheap when your father is a lawyer?" 

I choked on my food, the question catching me off guard. I hit on my chest and swallowed a few times to try to get the rest of the food go down.

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