4. Meeting The Kings

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           I watched as bella kissed edward and just scoffed which made him look up at me. "Who's this Bella?" He asked her when they finally stopped sucking each other's faces off. "I'm Amelia. I'm Bella's cousin and I'm staying with Bella and Charlie right now, I'm here for morale support" I gave him a smile and wave. "More like you made us bring you" Bella mumbled and Edward gave me a confused look. I wonder if he can hear my thoughts?. After that thought he had an alarmed look on his face but before he could say anything Felix and Demitri showed up. Edward told us to go to the festival but of course they say "no, the girls come with us" he tried to protest till Alice then Jane showed up but it was Jane so he started walking.

Dude just do what Jane says I don't wanna get pained Edward looks at me with a freaked out look on his face, probably cuz I know what's going on. Yea I know you're a vampire, sparkles. Now wipe that look of your face so you don't get me killed he immediately put a neutral look on his face but I could see in his eyes how confused he was and I smirked a little hah not even the good type of vampire. God I wish I was in vampire diaries instead of twilight at least there vampires can sleep. I tried to just stay in the back and not draw attention to myself yet. As we approached the throne room the warm fuzzy feeling got stronger and it was really hard to get my thoughts straight as the throne room doors were opened. I didn't even get to hear Alec's sarcastic crappy counting because I was so distracted by the gorgeous men on the thones.

I know who they are obviosly but it still doesn't stop my thoughts oh my fucking god they are so hot why are they so hot they didnt look like this in the movies. GOD I JUST WANNA KISS THEM Edward gave me an alarmed look at hearing my thoughts but I don't know if it's the movie thing or the kiss thing and I don't care as the three gorgeous kings get up from their thrones and run to me. They surround me and start to hug me while saying "mate" "we have found you" and "and you are more beautiful than we could have imagined mi amore" I couldn't tell who said what, I can just tell I was loving it until bella had to ruin the moment.

"Amelia what the hell are you doing?" She practically screamed. Which in turn makes my mates turn and hiss at her as I leveled her with a glare. I fucking new it they are my mates...yay head happy dance. She shrunk back behind Edward who was scowling at us. "Ah young bella is alive, I do love happy endings" Aro says and then leaves my side to take Edward's hand. I look at my other two mates and say "hello i'm Amelia" I give them a timid smile. They both smile at me adoringly "hello cara mia, I am Marcus and this is Caius, do you understand what is happening?" He asked while lovingly holding my cheek as Caius snuggles into my neck. I give him a nod and smile "yes I understand Marcus, I'm your guy's mate right?" They nod and nuzzle into me more and I am loving it until I suddenly hear screaming and tune back in to what's happening around me.

 I give him a nod and smile "yes I understand Marcus, I'm your guy's mate right?" They nod and nuzzle into me more and I am loving it until I suddenly hear screaming and tune back in to what's happening around me

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      Jane has Edward pained and I burst out laughing " YES, finally I've been waiting for that for a damn mouth" I screamed which seemed to shock everyone as they were now staring at me. "Don't mind me go back to what you were doing" I say as I cuddle into my mates and enjoy the feelings of tingles up my body. Bella looked at me shocked and angry before screaming for Aro to pain her instead. Aro gave me an amused look and then went back to the task at hand.

I kinda spaced out till I heard Aro's angry growl directed at Alice "YOU DARE USE ARE MATE? I should have your head" Aro is fuming while Alice looks scared "but..but I brought her to you...I thought you would be pleased" Alice glances at me but quickly looks away at the growls from my other two mates. "You think we would be pleased at you using our mate like a bargaining chip? She is our mate. Are everything. You will NEVER DISRESPECT HER AGAIN otherwise you will be begging for death" Caius spat at her and Edward. I wrapped my arms around him and brought my lips to his ear "don't kill them yet. We need them alive for now. Why don't you take me to my room, my kings" I purred the "my kings" in his ear and I can tell it was received well as next thing I know I'm in his arms with him walking down the hall and Marcus trailing behind. I can hear Aro dismissing them and following. mmhhh this will be fun.


Disclaimer: i own nothing but my own original character

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