35. Preparations

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I spent most days in the tower with one or two of my mates by my side. It was nice at first constantly having one of them around me. I was feeling weaker by the day but I was definitely not as bad as Bella was in the movies given the fact I have been drinking blood since the very beginning of my pregnancy. As much as I was healthier than Bella was, I still wasn't doing great. The babys were growing much faster than my body could handle and they were starting to leave bruises. My mate's concern was growing but with my assurances as well as Aro's agreement they calmed down. Aro and I both knew without a doubt that I could survive this. If Bella could in her incredible weak state I definitely could, plus I had Alec to help with the pain.

Bella and Charlie had been informed of my pregnancy though they couldn't come to see me since they were both still newborns but we did still video chat so they could talk to me. The twins had taken my pregnancy hard thinking I would replace them when they finally had a mother but I sat them down and had a very strict talk with them that these babies were not their replacements but their little siblings and they would need a big brother and sister to protect them. The twins immediately became as protective as my mates after that. It was nice having company but sometimes I just wanted some alone time but these babies apparently wouldn't give their poor mother a minute without at least one mate within 5 feet. It was all fun and games until I had to go to the bathroom and then it got very intrusive and awkward, eventually I came to terms with it but it took a week or two.

The real problem came in my third week of pregnancy when there was an urgent meeting all the kings had to attend. "You can't leave me here alone so there is only one option, I have to attend'' I argued to my mates when they tried to get me to stay. I know they want me safe but im not safe if they leave the babys will literally try and claw out of me and with me only having a week left of my pregnancy I don't fucking need that. 

"Carrisma we can not have you in danger, the thought of you near a criminal while carrying are children is unbearable" Caius said giving me puppy dog eyes. I just rolled my eyes at them "so you would rather put me in danger by leaving me causing are children too quiet literally tear themselves out of me to get to you? I think you all forget what im capable of" I said, giving them a pointed look.

 I just rolled my eyes at them "so you would rather put me in danger by leaving me causing are children too quiet literally tear themselves out of me to get to you? I think you all forget what im capable of" I said, giving them a pointed look

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They all immediately started growling at the prospect of me in danger. "I know you want to protect me, but I will be much safer with you all who can tear anything apart before it even has a remote chance to hurt me" I said reassuringly, trying to get them to see sense beyond their instincts. "You are right mi amore, we are being foolish" Marcus said, putting his head down in regret. "Yes, thank you for making us see sense cara mia" Aro said following his brother's statement. Caius simply nodded before we left to go to the throne room to see what was so urgent.

As we made it to the throne room we saw the twins and the rest of my guard who immediately surrounded me in a protective manner. I walked up to my throne and sat down "what is so urgent" Caius snapped out. "I'm sorry masters but we have captured a romanian general who has valuable information. Normally we would have just requested master Aro but we found something with the romanian that we thought you should see right away" Demetri explained. After that the throne room doors were opened and two men were dragged in one in chains while the other was being held by guards like normal. The second the man in chains started to growl and his eyes flashed yellow my mates were immediately in front of me growling.

Caius in particular was hunched over in a crouched position as if ready to strike at a second's notice, which I guess he was

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Caius in particular was hunched over in a crouched position as if ready to strike at a second's notice, which I guess he was. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Aro screamed and I actually agreed with him. I was smart enough to know this was a werewolf and not the fun puppy kind in forks no this was the kind that ate human beings and tore apart anything in its vicinity. I had Caius give me a crash course after he freaked out about werewolves all those months ago and I knew without a doubt this thing was a threat to me and my children. I was very thankful for the presence of my mates and guard as I knew without a doubt I was safe. "Josh bubble, Aro go read the vampire's thoughts and the wolves then we kill that thing and put the vampire in the dungeons" I ordered in my queen voice. I was immediately in a bubble to make sure there was absolutely no way for me to be harmed. I know the way I spoke of him was a bit crude but this ...man has killed many innocents, not that my mates aren't just as guilty but werewolves are completely uncontrollable mindless beasts when they are not in their human forms. When they are in their human forms the're one of the worst kinds of people you would meet, all the alpha male types who pick on the weak and are giant biggets and the biggest assholes. Most of the time they are rapists as there are no female werewolves, they take women, force them to have their children and then in most cases feed on the mother. I was in full support of the decision to eradicate them and me and my mates were under the assumption that they had all died but the Romanians must have found a few. 

Once Aro finally saw there was no possible risk to me he had enough control to take in the wolves and the vampire's thoughts before he and my mates tore the werewolf apart. I wasn't even remotely fazed by this as I knew this man was a murderer and a rapist and I had no problem with his death, I would have made it longer. When the wolf was dead and the vampire in the dungeons I motioned for Josh to drop the bubble. "How big is this problem Aro?" I asked my mate. "This gives them a distinct advantage but now that we are aware of this we can prepare for it. Double the training and add werewolf precautions to the training regamend" Aro said to the whole room. "We will need to start collecting silver weapons immediately" Marcus said while Caius just wrapped around me and wouldn't let me go, not that I minded I found it quite comforting. Well shit this is just fucking great.


There you go guys i thought screw it lets bring in werewolves, i know not very original but it is what it is guys there are only so many villains for twilight ok? Hope you enjoyed it. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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