46. Things They left Out Of the Books

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As me and my mates walked to the dungeons I prepared myself. Up until this point I had been practically running on anger but now my judgement is less clouded and I'm feeling the betrayal from two members of our highly trusted higher guard. They may have not been in the Elite guard but they were highly trusted individuals within the guard and it made me weary of how many other traitors could be in our midst if these two could get so close. God the only people I truly trust are the Elite guard and my guard at this point. I'm still going to have Aro read every fucking one of them but they where the only ones I was almost sure where loyal.

Once we reached their cell we stopped outside of it." is there anything you want to say in your defense?" I asked evenly but to anyone who knew me they would know I was simmering with rage at the sight of the people who wanted to hurt my children. "Yes if you have anything to say in your defense now would be the time" Marcus said being the only one of my mates who could control the anger that was coursing through all of them. The two half assembled former guard members on the ground barely even moved in response. I simply nodded to Aro so he can get into their minds. As he took their hands I stared them down daring them to do anything.

When Aro searched through their minds he saw nothing so far that would explain this. They seemed loyal from their thoughts but then he got to a certain mission. He could see them get overwhelmed and taken back to the romanians. He couldn't tell what happened to them but after they were taken to the leaders it was like their minds were suddenly loyal to Vladimir and Stefan though notably more loyal to Stefon. He watched and felt as their thoughts and loyalties miraculously shifted without anything prompting it, like all the loyalties they once held now morphed to Stefan and Vladimir. He was very confused until he saw Stefon smirk and nod to Vladimir "it is done" he said and then turned back to Rayel and Hayden. That was the only indication that anything had happened before they were simply sent on their way. He saw as even they were confused by their new loyalty but everything inside them just screamed to them that they were loyal to Vladimir and Stefan and not the Volturi even though they had no idea why it went against their very beings to disobey and question it now.

I watched carefully as Aro took in their thoughts. His face went from confusion to horror before he ripped his hand from them and locked the cell door as fast as he could before turning to us in horror "Stefan has an ability. How could we have never known this? How could we let it get this far?" he said to us and himself and the growing horror of the situation we were in hit him. son of a bitch, this isn't going to be good. "What is his ability Aro?" I asked him, being the most level headed out of all of us right now and that was saying something. "Stefon has the ability to turn people blindly loyal to him. Rayel and Hayden were taken to him after they got caught off guard and were practically infected. Who knows how many others are like them? I must read every single coven member, immediately" Aro said urgently while walking out of the dungeons. We all followed him in shock of what he said.

After filling us in we went to the training room to meet with the guard. God damn it how did this not get put in the books? Fucking hell how much else did the books and movies leave out? I thought about the ramifications as the coven assembled. They all stood at attention in front of us. They knew there was something wrong and that we were not in a good mood from whatever happened. Me and my mates had agreed that I would start this as I was the one they most liked and would sympathize with my anger more than they would the kings.

Once everyone had gathered I gave them all an even look before walking in front of the kings "my loyal coven, there has been an attack on me and the children. This attack was done by two of the higher guard members. We have had traitors amongst us for some time and it ends now. I will ask each one of you that has no concern for their loyalties to step up and let Aro check. We have no idea how far this infection has spread and we must be 100% certain of everyone's loyalties in the coming war. If you are loyal, step forward" I said giving them all a gentle reassuring smile but I knew my eyes were as cold as ice daring anyone to refuse. They know they have no choice. You refuse you will be assumed guilty.

The elite guard stepped forward without hesitation followed closely by my personnel guard. The higher guard followed soon after. For the most part everyone seemed relatively understanding. Aro went through each person some he even raised an amused eyebrow at after searching their thoughts but we had not found any traitors yet. Seems like Rayel and Hayden were the highest ranking guards they could get their hands on....makes sense they were relatively low ranking when it came to the higher guard. Everyone else had at least a thousand years almost of training, they weren't caught off guard easily.

Once we had made it through the higher guard members the lower started to step up. I watched as some held back though seeming to look very cornered. Don't move yet. Wait till you have more people proven loyal. We do not need a surprise attack. We do not know how many traitors there are. It's best if we wait so there are less casualties I reasoned with myself as I thought over possibilities. Once Aro kept clearing people I watched as they got increasingly more nervous. I glanced at Caius to see him looking at me. I pointed with my eyes to the vampires seemingly having a panic attack in the back and he was immediately on guard as well. Well if that wasn't obvious nothing fucking is


Ok here it is. I have been having some serious writers block so I'm sorry if the updates get a little slower. I'm still here and I'm not going to abandon this story so don't even worry about that. If anything I would wrap it up quickly with a pretty bow but that's besides the point. You might get some slower updates but I will at minimum put out a chapter a week. And if that happened seriously send me ideas...cuz at that point I'm practically brain dead lol happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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