Chapter 5

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Tech's work was... arduous, to say the least. He spent the tender hours of the night welding, wrenching, and supercooling his new machine, all while smiling giddily. It has been a long while since he could just play around with his tools, let alone build something of such a... destructive caliber. Pulling out his welder once again, he began the final touches. Average was nearby, playing a low tune on his bass while Neptune was conked out nearby, snoring by the makeshift fire that Average had put together while Tech was still busy finishing up the Mega drill (what he decided to call it.)

"You know, while I can't help but admire your... ahem enthusiasm to make this thing, why is it taking so long? Does it usually take this long to make a tool?" Average stopped strumming at his bass, causing the still asleep Neptune to snort. Guess she liked it. Tech blew a raspberry at Average, furrowing his brow. There was probably a glare below his goggles. 

"Y'can't rush art, Av! This drill's gotta be perfect if it's gonna work as intended. Don' y'wanna bust in? I know I do. I'd quite like to see that Iris again... Say, y'think if I ask nicely, she'll step on me?" Tech let out a hyena-like chortle, but Average didn't look amused. He picked up a rock and threw it at Tech.

"Not funny, Tech." The bassist huffed, the machinist frowning before returning to his work. Awkward silence filled the air, save for Average's light playing and Tech's machines whirring. After a while, Tech sighed.

"Sorry, I don' know what yer relationship with Iris Heart is, but I can guess it weren't too pretty." Tech said, turning off his welder and taking a step back from his drill. It was finished, but it looked like it could use a fresh coat of paint... Maybe two or three, for that matter. Average shook his head.

"Say, Tech, something has been bothering me. When Iris Heart offered to relay a message to Black Heart..." Tech wilted a bit, moving his goggles back to his forehead, yet not looking at Average. His eyes were on the drill, a small frown on his face. He did spring at the chance to talk to Black Heart, that's true... Why did he want to talk to her so bad? She so readily threw him into a cell just because he followed orders. She ignored him for almost the entire time he worked on the Revolution Machine, and barely spoke to him before then. A quiet work relation that he hated, but... Why did he spring so quickly?

"I'll be honest, I 'unno Av. She did me so dirty, yet... Well, guess there's that childish hope that this is all just one sick joke. That Black Heart'll swoop down an' sweep me offa my feet, tellin' me how sorry she is..." Tech rubbed the back of his neck with a gloved hand. Average didn't appear too appeased with this answer, however. With a huff, he threw another rock at Tech.

"Get over it, Tech. This is real life, not some child's romance novel." Average shook his head, Tech holding his head before returning to work. The two stayed silent for a while longer. Tech, not a fan of this awkward silence, cleared his throat. It was rare that he had someone to talk to, so why not keep talking?

"Hey, Av. Can y'tell me a bit o' the deal with ya an' Iris Heart? I wasn't far off when I said she was yer ex, was I?" Tech looked to Average out of the corner of his eye, but the bassist froze. He shook his head as he stood.

"No. I won't. Maybe... Maybe some other time." With that, Average grabbed his guitar before heading over to where Neptune was, leaving a now concerned Tech alone with his machine. The machinist rolled his eyes before returning to his work. At least his machines weren't emotional...


The sun slowly rose over the junk heap, a determined Tech shouldering the new Mega drill gun. Neptune as wobbling on behind him, and Average trailing behind. The three had been quiet all morning, but Tech didn't mind. They can do more talking once they get inside the Basilicom. The walk back was relatively quiet, save for Neptune and Tech making small talk. Average appeared distant, as if something was bugging him. Tech looked back at the bassist. Had the conversation last night really bugged him that much? Tech looked to Neptune, who was trying to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes. In a low voice, Tech leaned over to Neptune.

"Oy, Nep. What's his issue? Was... was it somethin' I said?" Neptune slowly blinked at Tech, shaking her head.

"Nah, he's got a lot on his brain. I wish I knew all of it, but I don't think I should give away too many details. That's for him, ya know?" Neptune smiled a bit, but Tech looked unsatisfied. Shaking his head, he simply looked to the peak of the Basilicom in the distance. This reminded him of another time...

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