We Can't Even Go To The Funeral

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We all stayed in the same places and same positions. Nobody had moved for an hour. The only noise we got came from all of our sobbing. Sally ,being the perfect mother she is, walked up to us and gave us blue cookies. She then looked around with a sympathetic look and clapped her hands.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you. You shouldn't have to be in high school and have to deal with the death of your best friend. But listen to me right now." She said with sympathy.

"It is 100% ok to grieve right now. But don't do it forever. Your friend Jason, would he want you to sit around and cry?" Nobody answered. Everyone just stared blankly.

"The answer is no." Sally sat on the armrest of the couch. "He would want you to understand that now, he is in a better place and he's okay." She said as she slightly pointed towards the clouds.

"After you're grieving you will not continue to cry. You will still be sad, but you can celebrate Jason's life too. Share all of your favorite memories and the best times you had with him. Show each other that Jason had a great life." She said as she stood up. 

She went around and gave everyone a hug. She kissed Percy's forehead and ruffled his hair. That seemed to make him feel better. 

After a few more minutes Nico and Will came back. They both sat down on the floor and Nico buried himself in Will's chest. Will seemed to be his favorite and best comfort. Will held him and whispered things in his ear.

I couldn't hear much but I made out some of it. "Don't blame yourself" "He's safe now". Will rubbed circled on Nico's back and kissed his forehead every once in a while. 

Soon it started getting dark and everyone had to go home. They drove together except for Nico and Will. Apparently Will was taking Nico to a special place. I stayed with Percy since my parents knew I didn't want to be alone right now.

Sally lent me some clothes and Percy said I could sleep in his hoodie if I wanted to. I accepted because we weren't going to sleep together, but I wanted to feel close to him. 

Percy was told to sleep on the couch and let me sleep in his bed. Me and him argued a bit because I didn't want him sleeping on the couch, but he didn't want me sleeping there either. We solved it with rock, paper, scissors.

Knowing Percy he would use "gun", so when he pulled out his finger gun, I slapped it away and put my own finger gun on his forehead. He was shocked for a moment, but agreed to comply and I slept on the couch.

Two hours into sleeping on the couch and I still couldn't sleep. I was mostly comfortable so I didn't understand why. After a bit more tossing and turning Sally walked over to me. She put her hand on my shoulder and my eyes flew open.

"Percy's doing the same thing. Go to him. It's okay" She whispered. "Are you sure Sally?" I asked, not wanting to push my boundaries. She smiled in the moonlight that was shining in from the windows. She nodded and motioned for me to go. I thanked her and walked to his room. 

I stepped in and he was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. "Hi Seaweed Brain" I whispered. His head shot up. I closed the door and sat next to him.

"What's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be on the couch? What if my mom sees you?" He asked extremely fast. I smiled. "Calm down Seaweed Brain. She told me to come since both of us can't sleep" I replied. He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I leaned back on him and he pulled the blanket over us.

I hugged his torso as he played with my hair. For the first time in a long time, I felt completely happy and safe. And that was because of Percy. I smiled into his chest. The world seemed miles away. The only thing that completely mattered to me was that Percy was here. With me.

"I don't want to lose you Annabeth." Percy said after a while. I looked up at him. He seemed so anxious and worried. As if I might just fade away if he let go. I moved so my head was in the crook of his neck.

"What time is it?" I asked. Percy raised his eyebrow and looked confused. He moved to grab his phone and he read the time. I smiled.

"1:46 A.M" He responded. I pulled away and smiled at him. "It's Friday Seaweed Brain." He looked confused for a while and then realization grew on his face. 

"We kind of made it." He said with a chuckle. I held his hand and sighed with content. "Percy I want to be with you. I really do. If there is one thing I learned this week it's that we shouldn't wait to do something until it's too late. We should just go for it. So here I am telling you that I… I love you Percy" I said looking down at our hands.

"I love you too Wise Girl. I want us to be together. I don't want to lose you. Never again" He said pulling me closer. I smiled and kissed him. It was a soft gentle kiss. I pulled away and went back to cuddling with him.

Finally everything was perfect. At least with me and Percy it was. I loved him and he loved me. I couldn't think of a time where I was as happy as I am now.

After a while we both fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up, took a shower, ate blue pancakes and then Percy drove me home. I had given him back his hoodie and he walked to me to the door. He gave me a peck on the lips and I walked in. I greeted my parents and walked to my room. 

I saw Thalia sitting on my bed. Tears filled her eyes. "Tell me it isn't true Annie" She said quietly. I walked over her and hugged her. She sobbed into my shoulder and I felt horrible. This entire time I was worried about Nico and I had forgotten Jason's own sister.

Thalia explained that Piper had called her and explained everything but she didn't want it to be true. The funeral would be in California because Jason lived there for years and had family/friends there. That meant we wouldn't be able to attend

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